Saturday 1 October 2011


Let me share a nice story I read recently; a conversation between an aged wise woman and a seeker of truth.

Wise Woman: 'Do you know the one person who will never abandon you all your life?"

Seeker: "Who would that be?"

Wise Woman : "You"

Wise Woman : "And do you know who has the answer to every question that you have?"

Seeker : "Who?"

Wise Woman: "You"

Wise Woman : "And can you guess who has the solution to every one of your problems?"

Seeker : "I give up"

Wise Woman : "You"

Wise Woman : Yes you have the power, you are the power


In May 2011, the PueaThai Party nominated Yingluck as their candidate for Prime Minister in the 2011 general election. She campaigned with a promise of national reconciliation, poverty eradication, corporate income tax reduction, raise minimum wage, revamp the education and public health systems .  Yingluck swept to a landslide election victory, with her party Puea Thai  winning 265 seats in the 500 seat House of Representatives in Thailand. Yinkluck is ranked 59 in Forbes list of World's 100 Most Powerful Women in 2011.

'Yingluck embodies the “suai, ruai, keng” – a Thai description of “pretty, rich and smart” woman. She looks youthful, confident and at ease. Cameras love to capture her ceaseless smiles'. - Warangkana Chomchuen, World blog (NBC news).

Forty four year old business executive, Yingluck Shinawatra, Thailand's first ever woman Prime Minister was sworn in during August. She is the youngest sister of Thaksin Shinawatra. Prime Minister Yingluck graduated with a BA degree from the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University in 1988 and holds a master’s degree in public administration from Kentucky State University, USA.  In Yingluck's words, "I am ready to fight according to the rules and I ask for the opportunity to prove myself. I will utilise my femininity to work fully for our country."

Prime Minister Yingluck faces the challenge of bringing unity, stability and peace to a beautiful nation that has suffered a great deal. The recent floods,  monsoon rains, and mudslides in Thailand  have killed 98 people, caused huge destruction and some 1.5 million people are affected.  Floods have affected 29 of Thailand's 76 provinces, destroyed or damaged more then 300,000 homes, leaving about 1.3 million acres of farm land in Thailand under water (about eight times the size of Singapore).

Beautiful Yingluck Shinawatra

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in official attire of Thai Government


What has two mouths, two noses and three eyes and entered Guinness World Records?

Meet Frank and Louie (Frankenlouie), a 12 year old cat with two heads. Frankenlouie is the longest surviving example of Janus cat named after Roman God with 2 faces. In such a condition, the normal life expectancy of a two headed Janus cat is just few days, where as Frankenlouie surved against all odds and lived for 12 years. The two heads were formed due to a genetic deformity.

Frankenlouie lives with his Owner in Milbury, Massachusetts.  This one-in-a million cat has been featured on TV shows such as 'Strange, Freaky, True'.



One of the easiest and tempting thing to while at a supermarket is to pick up whatever your tastebuds like to savour and what reduces your work at home. Snacks, sugary foods, packeted juices, ready to eat foods, ready to fry or fried foods and take aways are loaded with calories. These foods are culprits that give you joy while you eat it, but does nothing really good for your body. So it's important to make sure you eat right, by choosing your food wisely. When your body is happy, it shows in your energy level, in your productivity, in your attitude, in your moods, there is improved clarity in thinking and you would look healthier too.

What are the foods that can help you maintain your health and keep your body happy and glow with good health?  Include green tea in your diet. It nourishes your inner body and helps you relax. Orange, strawberry, raspberry stablizes your metabolism. Orange and tomato are good for healthy skin. Have green veggies - lots if you can. Cut down on the carbohydrate like bread and rice. Your body needs protein, in regulated amounts - have low fat milk, low fat yoghurt, chicken, fish and try to avoid red meats. Reduce the intake of oil and sweets. Have plenty of salads. They do wonders for your health.


There are a lot of people out there, who are working towards something that means close to their heart, perhaps several things. Struggles and odds are a part of life and during chaos and uncertainity, it's not easy to swim against the current.  And there are times, when quite unexpectedly, things just happen easily,  as if fate were in perfect alignment to one's dreams and desires. Life is a mystery but definitely laced with the beauty of miracles.

May all your dreams and wishes come true.


If you wondering how to spend your weekend, well there is good news for movie lovers. THE THREE MUSKETEERS  (2011) is running in several Kuwait Cinescape theatres. Don't miss this entertaining movie based on the book of the same name by Alexandre Dumas. The movie is directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and  stars Logan Lerman, Milla Jovovich, Matthew Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Luke Evans, Mads Mikkelson, Gabriella Wilde, Juno Temple, Orlando Bloom and  Christoph Waltz.

The story is about the audacious young D’ Artagnan along with the three former legendary Musketeers. They unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer who has set out to seize the French throne and engulf war-torn Europe.  The 17th century French setting with lavish costumes will certainly give the audience an exciting experience with oppulent scenes and great stunts brought to you with 3 D technology.

To visit  Kuwait Cinescape website to see the list of theatres where this movie being screened and the timings click HERE


Fazliddin Husanov
A piano recital by Fazliddin Husanov was held at Maidan Cultural Center on Wednesday September 28, organized by DAI, as a part of the 200th anniversary celebration of the birth of Ferenc Liszt, world renowned pianist, composer, conductor and teacher from Hungary.

We attended Fazliddin Husanov's piano recital yesterday. He gave a beautiful performance and the audience were quite enthralled with his amazing rendering. Photography was strictly prohibited, so I didn't take any pictures of the concert. The recital included the following:

Vallee d'Obermann from Annees de pelerinage (years of pilgrimage)
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Mephisto Waltz
Ferenc Liszt, born on October 22, 1811 in Doborjan, Hungary
Fazliddin Husanov, from Uzbekistan is  a pianist of international recognition. He has given recitals in Hungary, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia, USA, Japan, South Korea and the United Kingdom. He has performed to great acclaim in London’s Wigmore Hall, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Tuebingen Festsaal, and Los Angeles’ Disney Hall. He has appeared with prominent orchestras including the Kazakhstan Symphony Orchestra, the Paul Gerhard Chamber Orchestra in Germany, the Uzbekistan Symphony Orchestra, and Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra. His awards include 1st Prize at the London International Music Competition, the Maisie Lewis Award, and Bronze Medal in the Rachmaninoff International Piano Competition and Festival in Los Angeles.

Fazliddin is known for his engaging romantic sentiment, subtle emotional transformations and exceptional technique. His repertoire is wide ranging, and he is equally at home with baroque and contemporary music. Dr. Fazliddin Husanov is currently working as Associate Professor of Piano at the College of Basic Education in Kuwait.
(Excerpt from DAI Music Circle leaflet issued for concert, titled 'A Homage to Ferenc Liszt')



I visited my friend last week who I haven't met for years. Little did I know I was in for a pleasantly huge surprise, beside the joy of meeting a friend who my colleague way back in the mid 80's and the memories of many a good times spent together remain fresh in my mind.

And who greeted us besides my friend, was a huge, well gigantic, St. Bernard dog !. He was so excited and curious to see us. I must admit, I am not used to big strong dogs and this is the first time I got to interact with a St. Bernard dog. My husband is a total dog lover. They both bonded immediately. Though Tyler, the St. Bernard dog is just over a year old, he is quite  big. My friend told me, 'He will grower even bigger'. My husband had a wonderful time with Tyler. They played together and Tyler was all over him.  I don't see much dogs out here. While I was in UK, I noticed, there are lots of people who own dogs and it's a very normal sight to see people walking their dogs, especially residential areas.

A bit about St.Bernard, the breed.  It's a very large dog from the Italian and Swiss Alps, originally bred for rescue. Its average life span is 8 to 10 years. It needs proper food and plenty of exercise or else the dog would suffer deterioration of the bones. Due to its large adult size, it is important that proper training,  and socialization must be imparted while the St. Bernard is still a puppy, so as to avoid the difficulties and lack of control it would pose later on.  It's an absolutely loving dog and hey,  their size is actually an advantage that would deter intruders. 


Everytime you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or pioneer of the future. - Deepak Chopra

Wednesday 28 September 2011


My son took us to the famed General Motors world headquarters, GM Renaissance Center (nicknamed RenCen)  in down town Detroit, Michigan at the majestic Detroit river front. Renaissance Center is a group of seven interconnected skyscrapers. The central tower, Detroit Marriott hotel is 73 storey and 727 feet tall. We got to see all the latest automobiles displayed at the Vehicle Display area of Towers by GM. There is a retail atrium called Wintergarden at the Ren Cen full of shops. If you want to relax and have some snacks or food, there is huge food court with restaurants.The complex connects offices, the hotel, retail outlets, restaurants, a jazz club, and a movie theatre. The main entrance to the Ren Cen faces the Detroit river waterfront and the view is absolutely marvellous.  This is must visit landmark for visitors who travel to Michigan.

This post form a part of my travel experience while I visited my son in  Michigan in August. These pictures are taken by my son.
GM world headquarters - Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan

Main entrance to the GM Renaissance Center


I don't know if I should call it humour or sarcasm. I saw this at a department store and I just had to take a picture of this 'Attitude'.  Oh by the way, I did come across a few people who actually follow this 'Attitude' and I certainly wouldn't want to cross their paths ever! What attitude do you carry?


Penguin Egg, Penguinarium, Detroit Zoo

A penguin egg is bigger than a chicken egg, somewhat the size of a goose egg. It was quite interesting to see the  penguin eggs at the Penguinarium in Detroit zoo, Michigan. Do you know what the penguins feed their chicks? Both the parents regurgitate food for them from their stomachs. It can be fish, krill or squid. The penguin egg shell is much harder than a chicken egg. And you know what colour are the penguin egg yolks? Well, most penguin egg yolks are red ! Strange huh? Well, we are so used to seeing the chicken egg yolks which are yellow so it's feel rather strange to think of a red yolk. Anyways, red yolk color is due to the carotenoid pigments in the crustacean-based penguin diet.

Penguin soft toys at the Penguinarium, Detroit Zoo


“Calmness is the cradle of power.”- Josiah Gilbert Holland

Tuesday 27 September 2011


Accomplished and internationally renowned  pianist Faziliddin Husanov from Uzbekistan, will give a piano recital at Maidan Cultural Center on Wednesday, September 18 at 7pm. To read more about Faziliddin Husanov's biography, visit this

(via; visit Link ) 

The event is organized by DAI to commemorate  Ferenc Liszt’s 200th anniversary. Ferenc Liszt was a 19th-century Hungarian composer, pianist, conductor, and teacher.  He was said to have been the most technically advanced pianist of his age and perhaps the greatest pianist of all time.

Venue: Maidan Cultural Center, Abdulla Salem School premises, near Shaab Park
Date: Wednesday September 28
Time: 7pm
Phone: 25636528

Here is the location map of the venue.


World's best and most popular search engine Google celebrates it's 13th birthday with a beautiful doodle on it's home page. The doodle has a large birthday cake with 13 candles and lots of decorations. Google's founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Standford University graduates built their search engine in 1996, and in 1998 Google was created by them. Google search engine officially celebrates its birthday on September 27.

Happy Birthday Google!

"The Google Doodle always comes with hidden meanings, and has so much to say. Today’s doodle comes with a cake lighted with 13 candles and 3 caps. It also has 3 gifts placed on the table. In my perception, it means to me that each of the caps belong the “Google Guys”, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Eric Schmidt – the three key persons who founded Google" - Joel Fernandes (


United Nations World Tourism Day is held on 27 September every year, to promote awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its cultural, social, economic and political value.. This year the theme is 'Linking Cultures'. United Nations World Tourism Organization held a photo competition in August and below is the 1st prize winning photo followed by the four runners up. The first prize is 7 day round trip to Egypt and the runners up were awarded digital cameras. These winning photos along with the photographs in the 'Finalists' category will be displayed at the Photo Exhibition in Aswan, Egypt as a part of the World Tourism celebrations. To see more photos from the UNWTO photo competition, click Here

First prize winner - Give Me Red by Sourav Karmakar

Runner up - East West Jubilation by Rabin Chakrabarti
Runner up - East Meets West by Wong

Runner up - Baobab Huggers by Jose Rosado

Runner up - OMG by Birkley Wildgoose
Egypt will host the official 2011 World Tourism Day (WTD) celebrations in the city of Aswan. Egypt emerged as a winner of World Travel Award this year under various categories where are number of Egyptian tourist attractions, hotels and organizations emerged victorious at the World Tourism Award 2011 Africa and Indian Ocean Ceremony on September 16.

 “It is most fitting that Egypt, home to some of the world’s most celebrated cultural heritage and a leading tourism destination, be the host country for the official celebrations of World Tourism Day 2011,” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai

Some pictures of the historically and culturally beautiful city of Aswan, Egypt

Sunday 25 September 2011


Davidoff Champion Energy is a pleasant fragrance for men, that was first released in July 2011. It is developed by perfumer Aurelein Guichard. Top notes comprise of bergamot and grapefruit. Middle notes contain galbanum and refreshing spices. Base notes are cedar and oak moss. Available at Debenhams and Va Va Voom.


It takes courage to be different, to rise above mediocrity and embrace opportunties in life and tread the path that dares you to be different.

Like this t-shirt? Its's available in Forever 21.


You bought something for yourself or you bought a gift for a friend, and you want to remove the sticker with the price tag, what do you do? Here is a quick and easy way. First, apply a bit of sanitizer on the sticker. Allow it to soak for a minute. Take a coin and rub off the sticker using the edge of the coin! Try it out !


After having tea or coffee from a plastic cup or paper cup, a lot of people would  tend to sort of squish the cup before it's discarded. Well, here's a cup designed to look like a plastic discarded cup...the crinkle cup!


When I was at the Avenues Mall on Friday afternoon, there was an exodus of people in the entire mall. Maybe I felt that way, because I usually visit Avenues Mall on Saturday mornings when the crowd is less. The reason could also  be that there is SALE going on in so many shops. Here are some shops that I visited that are having a SALE. Do drop into these outlets to see the sale items as well their beautiful collection of new arrivals.

Forever 21
American Eagle
Top Shop
River Island
Miss Selfridge
Dorothy Perkins
Calvin Klein


Wisdom is a gift. Part of the wisdom can be learned. It also takes certain amount of life experience to become wise, although ageing does not necessarily imply wisdom.