Saturday 2 June 2012


I received this in my mail and thought of sharing it in my blog. I really don't know if this is for real or photo shopped (by someone). But it sure did look funny to me....


If you happen to visit Birmingham or somewhere close by, you must not miss a visit to the West Midlands Safari Park, which is a wonderful place to visit. The Safari Park which is a wildlife nature park houses beautiful animals from all over the world. Its the first time that I actually saw white tigers and white lions at close quarters. Driving through a wildlife nature park is certainly a great experience and cannot be compared with visiting a zoo. If you ever plan to visit, be there by 10am when the park opens and remember they close at 6pm and you need plenty of time to drive around and see everything. There are  games, rides, entertainment, trekking and plenty of food and lovely souvenirs to take back. You can feed the penguins, watch the sea lion do tricks right before you, get a feel of what it is like to have a rhino, deer or ostrich approach your car or even a cow or goat lick your hand.  When it comes to wild animals around your car, you better make sure your window is up and don't even try to open the door or get out of your car. As for the lions, leopards and tigers, there  are  metal nets erected that forms a boundary for safety purposes. You will get to see plenty of lovely animals roaming about in their natural habitat in the rich green wildlife park.   Our daughter suggested this trip the day we arrived in Birmingham to visit her and the very next day we embarked on this wonderful safari. Our daughter came along with us as well and we enjoyed every moment of it. Here are some photos from our trip to the West Midlands Safari Park.

To know more about the Safari Park click Here




We were in Michigan trying to find our way to some place important and we had to slow down at this place. While my husband and son were busy looking at the GPS for directions,  I noticed this cute bird in the grass, right across where we were parked.  This bird  was up to something. I pulled out my camera and managed to quickly take a few pictures before my husband turned around the car and drive away. Want to know what the bird was up to...take a look at the pictures.....

Can you spot the bird - look at the center of the photo

Okay here he is...what is he up to?

Did you see that? LOL...Reminds me of the saying, 'Early bird catches the worm'. Well birds would be good at catching good are we in going after what we truly want and accomplishing our for thought!

Now that's a look of satisfaction or perhaps getting ready to catch another worm!

Wednesday 30 May 2012


Do you know your moods can affect not only you but others around you as well. Watch your moods - if they are positive, you will make others comfortable and at ease, you will spread happiness. Above all,  you'd be amazed to find how well things turn out for you. And you have the power not to let little things bother you. What's your mood for today?


I believe there are many people right now who are a work in progress. The Lord has been working overtime in your life, although things seem to be falling apart and going crazy. You have been tempted to say, "Would You please stop working on me? I can't take it anymore!" But I sense the Lord saying to you, "But wait till you see when I am finished. Wait till you see when I am finished. Things are not falling apart, they are falling together! You are a work in progress." 
- Penelope's Pen


Driving around Michigan was fantastic. The weather was beautiful with clear blue skies decorated with white cotton candy clouds and sunset was only after 9pm. One could be out the whole day and enjoy every bit of the outdoors. And if you happened to carry a camera with you, you'd never stop clicking away. Some pictures taken while driving.



While checking on the chicken - half an hour more to go

May 4 , 2012: The flight to U.S. was long. Rather it seemed endless.  Our son was waiting for us beneath his apartment building in the campus while we arrived in the rented car my husband had hired. in the afternoon. What awaited us was a surprise for lunch. Our son had marinated chicken in his own special chicken tikka marinade and he cooked it in the oven. We relished every bite of it. We had it with Naan, a sort of pita bread.  I got too busy eating and forgot about taking more pictures. I was - well...famished I must say.


 Macy's, Oakland Mall, Michigan

I returned from my US-UK trip last Saturday on May 26 and I have been sort of hibernating, which usually happens after an enjoyable trip. It takes a few days for me to adjust and return to my routine. My husband has been wondering, 'what about blogging?', 'How come my wife has not blogged after returning from our trip?'. I think it's got to do with my hibernation and I was so sleepy last few days, catching up on all the sleep I missed during my trip.  I had the most amazing trip, besides visiting places, the most beautiful part of the trip was meeting my son in Michigan, U.S. and my daughter in Birmingham, UK. Besides, I also met my cousin and family in Virginia after a gap of 14 years! I also had the beautiful opportunity to meet my old classmate from school days and we met after 32 years and she is the same kind and sweet person I remember back in school. She took us to Stratford-Upon-Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace which was absolutely magical. Oh I have so much to share.... which I shall put up in my upcoming posts about the beautiful places we visited. This trip wouldn't have been possible without my husband whose untold efforts and continuous enthusiasm and support throughout this journey is much appreciated. What would I do without my better half? 

Shopping in the U.S. is less expensive than in the UK and Kuwait. I enjoyed the Macy's and J.C. Penny. They had a fabulous collection of clothes and if you are a shopping enthusiast, you could spend hours not knowing time fly.  Despite the higher prices and tax, shopping is amazing in the UK. 90% of the clothing lines you see in Kuwait are based in UK, with definitely far much more exciting variety to choose from retailers such as Debenhams, Marks and Spencer, Next, Oasis, Wallis,  Miss Selfridge, Zara, John Lewis, that can drive you nuts when it comes to choices because, the choices are incredible and in plenty.

Apart from visiting wonderful places, sightseeing and nature walks, this trip also took me on a journey of self discovery and taught me beautiful lessons about people and places. It also taught me that love is the most important thing that sets things right. And in any situation, shut the outer noise and listen to your conscience and always chose to do the right thing. One of the intriguing incidents that touched me was when I was at Aston Hall gardens in Birmingham, I was approached by two young ladies who talked to me about the importance of spreading peace. They were just passing by. Sometimes you are touched by people and situations in your life in ways that alter your perspective for the better and it's all for a  purpose.  

Feels good to blog again....

Sending you much positivity,