Beyonce and baby Blue Ivy Carter was seen shopping at Fifth Avenue in Manhattan last month.



Women are naturally good at multitasking -  be it at work,or at home taking care of  home, husband and children. I feel most women are comfortable and happy with multitasking. If she is taken for granted or ends up doing more than she should be without any help from her husband or a housekeeper, it can be pretty taxing, especially if she has no time for herself or for socializing or spends her weekends trying to catch up with unfinished work during the week. It's amazing isn't it when a lady returns home after 8 hours of work( let's not forget time taken for commuting, or stopping at supermarket  to do the grocery), she has fresh work awaiting her - taking care of children or their homework, cooking and probably lots more. She has no magic wand but sometimes she has to live life as if she has one, making everything possible, ensuring everyone's needs are met and pleasing everyone around her.

When a lady who is multitasking whole week, feels stressed or unappreciated or feels she is trying to do so much and racing against time, it's time to slow down, ask for husband's help or designate some of the work to a housekeeper if that's financially affordable. Think of ways to reduce the work at home. It's important to take care of one's diet, personal needs and sometime during the day or end of the day, have some time to relax everyday to replenish lost energies, socialize, go out with the family to park, beaches, shopping, game or movies. It's important to spend quality time at home with your husband and children, find time for things you like to do or a hobby,  rather than mechanically just doing routine work before you hit the bed. Be sure your happiness and well being count. It's so vital for a lady to be happy and healthy so she can appreciate and enjoy her life. So take whatever positive action it is to ensure multitasking does not lead you to neglect yourself or add more stress in your life.


Some beautiful photos of the London Olympics 2012 opening ceremony and celebrations


Taken at Luray Caverns Antique Car and Carriage Museum, Virginia, USA


Power of the mind is not a new concept in the world of sports, and after reading several books on success in the business world, icons such as Richard Branson, Magic Johnson and Warren Buffett have a few key things in common -- they each believed in themselves and their ability to achieve anything they put their mind to!." - Samantha Clayton, former Olympic sprinter and ACE and AFAA certified trainer.

This powerful, positive ‘I can do it’ approach is just as effective with any goal, including weight loss and health goals, says Samatha Clayton.


It's summer, it's hot, and what better way to beat the heat, cool and nourish yourself with fruits. When you cut open fruits, they give out a natural beautiful aroma, and when you pay attention to the smell of fresh or ripe fruits (not over ripe!), they work beautifully as mood enhancers, filling you with peace, calm and happiness. And when you eat them, they are guaranteed to offer you the best nourishment with all those vitamins and minerals they are filled with. I love the smell and taste of oranges (the non-sour ones), watermelon, red cherries, dates, pomegranate and mango. What are your favourite fruits? Here are some seasonal fruits - a must have. Oranges, grapefruit and pomegranates are known to aid in weight loss (provided you watch the diet).

- watermelon
- orange
- pineapple
- strawberry
- pomegranate
- banana
- apple
- grapes
- dates
- cherries

Wednesday 1 August 2012


I'm Popeye the Sailor Man. I'm strong to the finish cause I eats me spinach.  I'm Popeye the Sailor Man - toot toot!. 

Remember Popeye the strong muscular sailor man who was short, bald headed, honest, innocent, loved spinach and adored his lady love Olive Oyl and always smoked a pipe?. Olive Oyl on the other hand was tall, skiny, cute, a bit naive and always in distress. Then the other sailor Bluto who was trying to woo Olive Oyl and win her attention? Whenever Popeye felt he was on the verge of losing a battle with his rival Bluto (aka Brutus), he would open a can of spinach, gulp it right down and gain strength and muscle and fight Brutus and free Olive from his clutches. As a child I used to love watching Popeye cartoons and I wondered why is Olive Oyl so skinny and why is Popeye's arms so humungous and why did he like spinach - those were the days I never liked spinach and my mother would say, look at popeye eating spinach and that's why he is so strong. The trick didnt work, but I began to enjoy spinach way later in life. Anyways, I happened to come across this cartoon, that evoked childhood memories. I think my daughter and son too would have watched Popeye and Olive in their childhood days.

Popeye the Sailorman character was created by Elzie Crisler Segar in February 1929 for the comic strip Thimble Theatre. Do you know the character of Olive Oly was created by Segar in 1919, ten years before Popeye!


People who go shopping are of different types and pysches. Shopping can be addictive, fun, - infact  leisurely activity. Some people shop for clothes because they need something new for an event or party or occasion. Some are constantly shopping as it has calming and soothing effects during stress, like how some people resort to food during stress. Shopping with friends is an enjoyable way to spend time together. Some like to window shop and they are curious to know about all the new arrivals and what's prevalent in name of the fashion. Buying something new and nice make some people happy and some even find shopping therapeutical. Then there are those who shop during offers and sales to get the best bargain. Some intelligent shoppers would have fun looking around, buying only what they want, if they really want it, making sure its within their budget suits them when they look into the mirror and think if it's worth spending money on. There are people who take their own time to shop, enjoying every moment of it and taking time to decide what they want to buy and they can shop for hours on end. Some can't imagine wasting too time on deciding what to buy and they are quick in their selection process and they are so sure of what they want  and what suits them.

What sort of shopping attitudes define you?

* Like to shop alone 
* It's more fun shopping with friends or family
* You make your own choice trusting what you see in mirror when you try on a new outfit
* Like to take the opinion of your friends or husband while buying a new outfit
* You like pictures of yourself to be taken by a friend or salesperson after trying on new clothes to help you decide what outfit suits you
* Enjoy going shopping often - a preferred past time
* You find shopping relaxing, exciting and therapeutical  - a big de-stressor. You can spend hours in the mall.
* Free time means you prefer to do something else and consider shopping a waste of time and money
* You believe shopping is one of the fun things to do with friends
* End up buying little gifts for friends and family while you shop?
* Love window shopping
* You wouldn't spend more than half an hour to one hour shopping.
* If there is a sale, you are on a shopping spree
* There are too many clothes in your wardrobe, you don't even know exists because you keep buying new ones and you still feel you have nothing to wear.
* Total shopaholic


In metaphysics, fengshui and energy healing, amythyst is considered a magical stone. It's a popular, but rare form of quartz and a semi precious gem stone that offers many health benefits. They come in the various shades of purple - deep or light purple, violet, bluish purple. Amethyst in it's purest form is colorless. Fine amethyst will be transparent without any inclusions, allowing light to pass through unhindered. The amethyst found in market have mostly undergone a heat process, which gives them the purple colour or hue. Purple is considered a royal color and the color of spirituality. I have seen amethyst stones at various Gift shops in UK. While I was at Stratford Upon Avon, I had visited a shop called Mystic Dimensions, where they had every healing and semi precious stone possible including amyethyst. In Kuwait, they are available in the Scientific Center Gift Shop.

Let's take  look at the benefits of having Amethyst stone or a small amethyst tree at home or work

* With a few seconds, Amethyst increases the size of your biomagnetic field by 100% in it's presence.

* Enhances your mood and makes you happier

* Improves blood circulation and movement of bodily fluids

* Replenishes lost energy when facing stress, worry or depression

* Brings peace and calm

* Helps overcome addiction problems

* Improves sleep

* Heals wounds

* Fights bacteria

* Aids in cell regneration and cell growth

* Believed to promote good judgement

* Helps in removing toxic particles from the body, improving respiration and overall health

* In feng shui, its known as stone of contentment and is believed to aid in preventing anger and discord, ensuring harmony

* Amethyst is associated with the zodiac sign of Pisces in astrology. However one does not have to be Pisces to enjoy the benefits of amethyst.


A white lioness enjoying her food - taken at West Midlands Safari, near Birmingham, UK.


A lot of us carry on in life with the myth that if we talk about our talents, achievements, positive traits, it sounds like bragging. In a business world, it's important your superiors or boss knows of your contributions, your strengths and achievements. The myth that my good work will speak for itself will not work in business. Look at those advertisements around you. If Apple and Samsung did not advertise constantly; if they were not in the news constantly, if marketing strategies were not a priority, the world wouldnot know of what they have to offer. Just like people are looking for best buys, best bargains, best products, they need to be informed and educated, so that's where businesses target the consumers through advertisements. In simple words, brand companies are constantly talking about the benefits and technological superiority of their products, new arrivals in a branded clothing line or introduction of new items in fast food.

If you are not a CEO or President of a big company, or a famous celebrity or sports person, socialite, politician, it's mostly unlikely you are featured in magazines or newpapers . But to climb the ladder of success in career or during an interview, it's only who can make known to others around you of your value, your qualifications, your strengths, your ideas, your achievements and what and how you can contribute and so on. That's smart self promotion and not bragging. If you don't talk about yourself, people will not know you, it can affect your career. We generally tend to find compliments overwhelming, sometimes even put ourselves down as if our contributions or achievements mean very little. We tend to promote the qualities of other people, transfer praise to others, trying to make ourselves look rather insignifcant. We fear of being misunderstood of bragging or being arrogant, if we talk about our achievements, talents or positive traits. What you express about youself is the information you are sharing with others, and that's exactly how they will perceive you.

If you are working hard and you expect superiors will notice you, and appreciate you for it or reward you with a promotion, then its high time that you changed that attitude, because that's just a myth. They are busy with their life or their work and will not realize, until you let them know at appropriate times. Or else you might be taken for granted.  Among friends circle, you have to be smart enough to differtiate between bragging and self promotion. I do know a few people, who really don't know the difference and their bragging is rather exaggerated laced with bit of white lies. Cast your inhibitions away and don't hesitate to promote yourself and see how good you will feel and how things can take a positive turn in your life.


Two days ago, we passed by the Kuwait Towers at night and here's a photo. The best time to visit Kuwait Towers is close to sunset so you can enjoy the best view of the sky and the city before, during, and after sunset on the observation deck.


I was invited by Stacy Lobo to Zafran, for their Iftar Ramadan Buffet. I couldn't attend last week so we went on Saturday (July 28). When you first enter, what captures your attention is the lovely decor, space and seating arrangement. We were received by the Restaurant Manager, Mr. Vinoth Kumar who is very hospitable and explained about Zafran and their contemporary Indian cuisine. The food is prepared taking into consideration the requirements, taste and liking of the local people and clients in general. They appreciate client feedback. We also got to meet the master chef, Mr. Mohit Dhingra, who is committed to creating authentic and new dishes with a diversity of flavors. The buffet had an amazing array of food, which included soup, variety of healthy salads, lovely appetizers and an interesting and delicious variety of meats, fish and vegetables along with rice and baked indian bread called Naan. Dates, arabic coffee, and two kinds of refreshments, are served at the table. They also serve soft drinks if you wish to have. One of the most appealing thing is that the food isn't heavy or greasy, it's moderately spiced to perfection. The restaurant has a pleasant ambiance and the food and service is excellent.  The special Ramadan Iftar buffet menu changes each day, with different items. The buffet is open at 6.45pm, although you can arrive a bit earlier than that. They have a party area for get togethers and parties. If you plan on eating out during Iftar, Zafran is a place you would definitely enjoy visiting. Zafran is located in Salmiah beside Centerpoint and H&M, right opposite Fanar Mall.

Zafran - telephone: 25750647

Ramadan timings : 6.30pm /6.45pm onwards

Price : 7.5 KD for adults and 4.5 KD for children

Here are some photos I took

Mr. Mohit (chef) and Mr. Vinoth Kumar, Manager

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