Here is a real  mind-boggler for you. Try to see if you can outsmart your foot.

1. While sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand.
Did you try it out?, what happened? Your foot will change direction. There's nothing you can do about it. Let me share a secret - you couldn't outsmart your foot, because somehow it's hard-wired in your brain!


I was at Decathlon a few days ago, the newly opened sports outlet in Marina Mall. It's a huge outlet; they have almost everything one requires in the field of sports, clothes, shoes, equipment. One of the things that caught my attention was their camping tents and all the equipment and gear used for camping. The weather is so pleasant now, but when October begins, it going to be fantastic weather, perfect for camping.  


While we were at the Acquarium, West Midlands Safari Park, we caught the attention of a fish by offering  it Mountain Dew. Only thing, there was a glass wall enclosure separating the tempted fish from us. It was funny how the fish came close to the glass hovering around what it saw! Later I wondered, what exactly did the fish see or thought it saw?


I have a Shambala macrame bracelet that I really like very much. Shambala bracelets are also called bala bracelets. 'Bala' means strength. The term Shambala is a spiritual myth - a mythical kingdom in Buddhist tradition. It's a place of peace, tranquility and happiness.  Cyrstal shambala or bala bracelet with crystals and howlite gemstone is believed to bring luck and known to have spiritual and healing benefits. However, mine is not a crystal or howlite. I am still on the look out for one that has both. Mostly what I have seen around are the replicas or artifical ones. If you plan on buying a shambala bracelet, do make sure they are made with real crystals and howlite gemstones. There are also a variety of combinations of crystals with other gemstones (turquoise, agate, amythest, adventurine, onyx, jade - the combinations are plenty, which look quite colorful and interesting; those stones would also have their own healing and spiritual properties as well).

Howlite gemstone is an inexpensive gemstone compared to others, and when worn, it's known for encouraging self-awareness, creativity and improving emotional attitudes and cultivating tact. It enhances character building, helps in diffusing anger, critical mind, resentfulness, and selfishness. It induces a sense of calm and also enables one to communicate effectively.  It combats negative behavior.

Crystals are part of earth and nature. They contain quartz and silica, which are also a major component of the human body. Crystals supposedly emits a vibrational frequency that matches the electromagnetic field of both the earth and humans. Quartz crystal is known as power stone that channels universal energy. Crystals are known to enhance thoughts, as thoughts are a form of energy. It promotes healing, meditation, and manifestation. Crystals clear negative energy, harmonizing and balancing oneself and one's environment. It is powerfully protective, enhances spiritual growth  and wisdom. It clarifies thought processing and emotions and  increases concentration, inspiration and creativity.


Time for lunch


These photos were taken at West Midlands Safari Park near Birmingham


I took this photo at Forever 21. It's a T-shirt.
There is always someone special in all our lives whom we can turn to when we face rough times - it could be a parent or parents, sibling, best friend, or a relative. Some may even have several people to turn to when skies are gray. Who are those precious, special people whom you know you can turn to and they will hear you out, give you pat or a hug, or hold your hand and tell you, don't worry, everything will be alright? And you know it will be....

I am so grateful for those special people in my life whom I can always turn to...my husband, my children, my aunt, and few good friends.


Do you know, we are always inhaling or swallowing harmful substances present in the environment. These toxins accumulate and lead to fatigue, brain fog, a poor immune system, obesity or even diseases. The body tries to get rid of these toxins to an extent. There are biochemical reactions that take place in the body which create waste products that needs to be eliminated or excreted from our body. Diet plays a huge role in this and it's amazing at the variety of natural foods available around us, that help in removing toxins from our body. We can't do much about the air we breathe, but we can purify the water we drink and choose to eat and drink healthy. Eliminate saturated fats, sugary foods and junk food. Smoking and alchohol consumption also creates toxins in our body. Chemical cleaning agents, aerosol sprays, air freshners, creams, lotions - they all contain chemicals that our bodies do not require. One of the reasons, why it's important to exercise, is toxins get eliminated through sweat. I'ts equally important to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday. It aids in flushing out toxins.

Include these foods in your diet as they help in clearing toxins from your body. And they are absolutely loaded with vitamins and minerals that are good for you.

                           * Broccoli
                           * Cauliflower
                           * Cabbage
                           * Brussels sprouts
                           * Kale
                           * Watercress
                           * Horseradish
                           * Carrot
                           * Mustard greens
                           * Onions
                           * Garlic
                           * Apples
                           * Celery
                           * Cranberries
                           * Cherries
                           * Berries
                           * Parsley
                           * Tomatoes
                           * Aubergine (Eggplant) 
                           * Thyme
                           * Soybeans
                           * Purple grapes
                           * Lemon
                           * Beetroot
                           * Dandelion tea
                           * Green tea


We were in Pizza Hut on Saturday, and one the things I love is their salad bar. I always have to keep a check on the amount of salad I'd consume. Though their salads are simple, I totally enjoy it.

What I noticed on a table was their pasta decor. I thought it looked creative and really nice. Here are the photos.


What do you do with bottle caps? Usually they are thrown away right? Not in the case of amazingly talented and creative Russian pensioner Olga Kostina. She used 30,000 plastic bottle caps to decorative the wall of her home located in the Russian village of Kamarchaga. Take a look at the artistic colorful images and patterns she has designed. She has also created detailed mural art of animals using bottle caps.


When faced with the loss of a loved one, or break up, or divorce or loss of anything precious to a person, it's extremely hard. Grief is experienced differently by different people, based on their personality and coping skills. We never understand what goes on in a person's mind. Everyone is not the same. There are different stages in grieving.  Difficulty in accepting the loss can intensify the grief.  Then the loss itself would feel as if a ton of bricks has hit you and you are trapped inconsolably in grief and choking and no one can seem to rescue you even despite any emotional support that you may receive. At that time, there is no room for logic. Memories would replay in your mind for days or months. There is no fixed time a person takes to get over grief. There isn't a right or wrong way to grieve. The pain, fear, loneliness and sadness are a natural reaction to the loss you face. If you are trying to ignore the pain and it keeps coming back, that's natural too. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to be strong in the face of loss, it might seem as if there is nothing from where you can draw that strength to lessen or deal with grief. Time is great healer, although at the time of grieving, it will not feel so.

Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross has explained the 5 stages of grief. It's not necessary that one would be going through each and every stage nor is it necessary that these stages would be experienced in the same order. But the final stage would be 'Acceptance'.

  • Denial: “This can’t be happening to me.”
  • Anger:Why is this happening? Who is to blame?”
  • Bargaining: “Make this not happen, and in return I will ____.”
  • Depression: “I’m too sad to do anything.”
  • Acceptance: “I’m at peace with what happened

  • During a loss, there is no explanation as to why things had to turn out that way. Be assured that you will be able to get over the pain through time and the intensity of grief will diminish. Don't beat yourself up by thinking worse things that won't help in any way. Ensure your grief does not lead to depression.  Let each day pass, face your feelings, if you feel helpless, that's okay too. Because as each day passes, a self healing process is taking place, without your knowledge. You will know there is a difference from the way you feel later compared to the way you feel now.  And a day will come, when you would be able to put everything that happened behind you and appreciate the good memories and good times associated with the person or situation you were grieving over.