The Levi’s brand announced their introduction to a totally new collection of jeans that would incorporate recycled plastic bottles and food trays! Each of Levi’s Waste Less jeans will include a minimum of 20 percent post-consumer recycled content, or, eight 12 to 20-ounce bottles per jean. This innovative denim collection made from recycled bottles is to instill in people a mindset to encourage recycling by adding value to waste. Levi’s Waste<Less collection will be available in the market globally, during Spring 2013. Over 3.5 million recycled bottles will be utilized to create their new line of sustainable design.

Now for some information on how these jeans will be created incorporating recyled bottles. The recycled bottles will consist of brown beer bottles, green soda bottles, clear water bottles and black food trays which are collected through municipal recycling programs across the United States. The bottles and food trays will be sorted by color, crushed into flakes, and made into a polyester fiber. Next, the polyester fiber is blended with cotton fiber, which is finally woven with traditional cotton yarn by Cone Denim to create the denim used in the Levi’s Waste<Less jeans and trucker jackets. Levi's revealed the color of the bottles used adds a beautiful undertone to the denim fabric creating a unique finish in the final product.

via www.levistrauss.com press release


This photo was taken at West Midlands Safari near Birmingham, UK


You have to watch this unbelievable video. The Maeklong Train Market in Samut Songhram Thailand is an out this world market that functions on either side of a train track. The train passes through the tracks in the market, 4 times a day. The market sells fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cooked food items. The market is flooded with customers who are all across the train tracks buying what they need. When the sound alert comes on, vendors adjust their sun shades, people move away from the track and the train slowly and smoothly passes by. As soon as the train goes by, the market becomes alive again. A way of life....


I am quite fascinated by stones used in crystal and energy healing and what they can do for us. Couple of months back when I was in Birmingham, UK, I visited the Aston Villa gift shop . They had an interesting variety of healing stones. Pyrite (Fool's Gold) caught my attention. It's not expensive at all. Pyrite used to be known as Fool's Gold for hundreds of years because it looks similar to gold. It is a strong stone that invokes positive thinking, manifestation, energy, vitality and confidence. It has a shiny gold hue and a nice luster. Pyrite is found Peru, Chile, Britain, Spain, Italy and North America.

It is used in crystal and energy healing. It can be kept  in your home, in your pocket or bag, on the desk you work at and worn as jewellery. Let's examine the wonderful benefits of pyrite.

* Place a pyrite stone on your desk at work to attract favourable energy related to your work or business.

* Once you begin using it, pyrite increases your strength and vigor and boosts your energy levels, allowing you to function with ease.

* It will help alleviate tiredness and fatigue, by increasing oxygen supply to the blood, and improves blood circulation.

* Pyrite helps you develop and strengthen your will power as it vibrates to the solar plexus chakra which is the seat of one's 'will power'
* Helps in eliminating bad habits.

* Increases your confidence

* Improves functioning of the lungs.

* Increases your stamina.

* If you have trouble sleeping, place a piece of pyrite under your pillow to induce sleep.

It enhances your assertiveness.

* You will begin to focus on your tasks more efficiently as you begin to feel clearer mentally.

* It helps to overcome inferiority complexes.

* It can enhance creativity and bring in flow of creative and new ideas.


If you are trying to lose weight and you are unable to because each time you embark on a healthy diet and exercise regime, you get bored or it's too hard and you give up after a few days, then I want to tell you something.  Think of all those nice things you do for yourself. Have you thought, why do you do all the nice things you do for yourself? Going on a special tour, holding a party, buying yourself jewellery or a new dress, going for a movie, buying a good book, celebrating your birthday, treating yourself to a spa, buying a house, decorating your home, the list can go on if you think. Well, the answer is obvious, because you love and care for yourself - immensely. Why do you feel bad when you are hurt (physically or emotionally), again it's because you love and care for yourself and don't like anything bad happening to you.

So why should you hurt yourself by sticking to past habits, giving into cravings, eating more than your body needs, choosing foods with lots of sugar and fat content that sabotages your diet regime. Love yourself so much that you are would do something very important for your health and your body - losing weight. It can happen when you decide it's the biggest goal of your life. Be true to yourself on your journey of weight loss and the joy of reaching your target weight is not too far away.

If you go to the 'labels' section -  right side on my blog page, and click on weight loss, you find plenty of inspiring weight loss posts, I had shared earlier, that can actually help you lose weight.



Larklife is a wrist band that is designed to help you lead a healthier lifestyle where you are in control of your diet, fitness, work productivity and sleep. The technology is designed by Lark Technologies. The wristband connects via bluetooth to i0S based smartphones. Larklife will keep a track of everything you do - how sendentary you are, if you are overworked at your workplace, monitor your diet, tell you how many calories you have burned, your water intake, motivate you to exercise, compare the exercises you do, how much you walked, monitor your sleep quality, how much you need to rest, it will coax you into action everyday and help you build positive habits and behavior patterns to improve your lifestyle, help you manage your energy levels and even tell you your mind condition the next day.  

Larklife costs  US$149.99 for pre-orders. The package contains two wristbands, the core unit, the app and a power cord.

Visit Larklife website for more details and information on the product


I came across this t-shirt in one of the shops at Avenues Mall sometime back and thought of writing a post . In a negative sense, 'Nevermind' is something you tell someone, when you don't want to repeat yourself or you are not in a mood to explain. 

On a positive note, 'Nevermind' is a powerful word that can have life altering effects. It's one of the hardest thing to do, to say 'Nevermind' to yourself when things go wrong or things don't work out the way you hoped, or you had a bad day, someone got on your nerves, your friend backed off from his promise or you got caught in traffic and became late for an appointment or to work.

Well there are certain things, which are not in our hands, that's the truth worth accepting. On some days, things can unexpectedly turn - well, terrible. But if you go to think, not all days are like that, right? Whatever happens, it's how you give meaning to that event or what meaning you give to that occurence or experience that actually make you feel what you feel and then you end up reacting on account of those 'feelings' of anger, dejection, irritation, fear, stress, sadness, jealousy  - so on. If we were to just calm down during an incident or occurence and decide thoughtfully what meaning should you really give to what happened, you would not end up reacting erratically or irrationally, in fact, you would not give it a negative meaning . When you keep calm, and be patient, you are able to handle almost all negative situations in a manner that works to your advantage.

Your sanity and peace of mind is what is important. So when things go wrong, say, nevermind...

*  I'll handle this thoughtfully, calmly.
*  I can deal with this in a better way, I am not going to let my emotions get the better of me
* There is nothing I can do about it, these things happen
* This was not in my control, I will think about it and make a decision later
* If I deal with this calmly and intelligently, I can work things to my benefit/favor.
* I don't have to respond or make an immediate choice or decision based on my current emotions of pain, dejection, hurt, anger, frustration.
* I don't have to get upset because of a person's behavior or mannerism.
* I am upset, but I shouldn't say or do anything that's going to aggrevate the situation or make it worse. If I react negatively, things can go against me /wreck an important relationship/ business deal etc.
* If I speak or act when I am furious, I might regret what I said or did and I cannot undo my actions.

Sometimes, how you react irrationally to a small incident can spoil your whole day creating a chain of negative events, because of your state of mind. So, say nevermind, dive inside yourself for wisdom and you will see, that you have the power to face, deal with and overcome difficult and trying situations and people in life. You'll come to realize life is not all that bad after all, because you are in control instead of a 'situation' being in control of you.


As much as I enjoy the big surprises my husband gives me, I truly enjoy the little surprises he comes up with. The other day, he bought a melon. I was busy with my blog and he quietly places the melon (with the flesh removed) and there were neatly cut pieces of melon in this bowl shaped melon with a little fork. The melon was sweet and tasted fabulous. I relished every piece of the fruit.


Sometimes we are baffled by our own behavior - have you experienced that? Sometimes you say or do things and later regret it and don't really know what's driving your behavior. Is it possible that everyone has a dark side that plays a certain role in making choices and control one's behavior? "The Shadow Effect" written by powerful relationship and life coaches, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and Marianne Williamson, helps you break free from repetitive negative patterns and self defeating behaviors. It explains the mystery of why you do what you do. The book is a profound guide, that will help you understand the shadow that exists within all of us, and help release your negativities, alter your thoughts, belief patterns, responses,  and and lead you to fulfillment.


Last Saturday I attended an energy healing workshop conducted by Paul Emery called 'Quantum Emotional and Physical Release'. It was held at Six Senses Spa, Hotel Missoni.

Energy healing is a holistic approach to wellness in our daily lives. We are an energy system or rather, each of us is an energy machine. It's believed since ancient times and over the years, scientifically proven that energy travels through the body along the channels called meridians. Each organ in our body has energy associated with it and each organ interacts with particular emotions on a mental and emotional level. Physical pain (unless its medical), emotional stress and trauma, addictions are caused by anxiety, which leads to energy blocks in our body. Energy blocks can affect the immune system as well. Paul will conduct an energy test, identify the block, and clear it with simple techniques, like tapping certain pressure points or regulating the energy flow through hand movements and by helping you breathe correctly. During stress, the brain, heart and nervous system become chaotic and the energy is out of balance. Energy healing and simple breathing will get it into synchronization. Besides helping you rid your addictions, physical pain and emotional stress, weight issues, Paul Emergy would teach you to heal yourself and  others as well.

Energy healing is used for eliminating headaches, migranes, fears and phobias.  One interesting thing Paul Emery mentioned was that perfumes, colognes and washing powder are full of chemicals and they can cause energy blocks or prevent healthy flow of energy and so can some of the foods you eat. Pay attention to how you feel after you've eaten something and you end up feeling tired, or ill or if it alters your mood in a negative way. This can help you identify what's good and not good for you. Constant use of electrical and electronic equipment, mobile phones, computers, television disrupts the body's energy system. Energy healing is also used to help someone perform better in business or sports or those to want to work on their positives to improve their life. To know more about Paul Emergy and energy healing he practises visit his website Here

Paul Emery is a gifted healer and he is a wealth of information. He will be available at Six Senses Spa until October 29, if you wish to avail of the amazing healing techniques and rid your fears, phobias, stress, emotional or physical pain, weight issues or plain just want to improve your life. For an energy healing session with Paul Emery, contact Six Senses Spa for charges and other details.

Six Senses Spa, Hotel Missoni, Salmiah - telephone 2577 0077


Weight Loss Made Easy 
Learn the 4 simple steps to effective and permanent weight loss (over 70% success rate) and how to re-programme your mind for long-term success to a thinner you 

Saturday, 20th of October

Paul Emery's QEPR 'Weight Loss Made Easy' benefits:
  • It’s not a diet!
  • Easy to follow and implement permanent weight-loss system
  • Learn the truth about weighing yourself – your metabolism – and 
  • How to quickly eliminate or reduce stress and emotional eating
  • How to quickly banish food cravings
  • How to raise your self-esteem, confidence and feel better about 
  • How to be more in control around food - relieving anxiety and 
  • How to re-programme your mind (and your body) for weight loss 
  • How to be motivated to exercise (and it’s not all about going to the 
  • How to remove self-sabotaging behaviours

30KD per person for a 60minute session. To make your appointment contact the spa reservation on 00965 2577 0077.