Saturday 23 February 2013


A few months back a friend told me that she 'helped' find a nice groom for a young lady who was eagerly waiting to find the right person and settle down. She felt hurt that she wasn't invited for the wedding and she was told later, they forgot to invite her! . Couple of years ago, a very close relative built a beautiful house and the day before her house warming, she phones and tells me how she is holding a small house warming party and she has invited just a few people and she didn't ask me to come either. It was clear to me, I wasn't invited. It was a family affair, so an older relative (the young lady's mom) forced me to go saying my presence was absolutely necessary. Honestly it was so awkward for me to go for an 'uninvited house warming party'. The host pretended not to mind, and I stayed for a short while and left. I swore I'd never ever attend a party that I wasn't invited to, no matter what my relation is with that person. It's just not right.  

I personally feel the host has every right to 'choose' who and how many persons he or she want to invite for that special occasion such as marriage, birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and so on.  One time I did feel a bit disappointed when another close relative told every family member and friend that his son was going to get married and didn't tell me. Forget the invitation, for this person lives in another country. But telling me that his son is getting married would have been nice on his part.  Oh but wait, he did tell me eventually...4 months after the wedding! So I restricted my response with, 'Congratulations!' rather than 'why didn't you tell me, I already knew about it from everyone else!'

Funnily there is a new trend going on, where the people who are not invited are actually sent a 'You are not invited' alert by email, or on facebook.  I feel that's quite rude and insensitive.   The host should just concentrate on the list of invitees. When the host does not  invite someone, it's only natural that person won't turn up. If the host would like to avoid certain people and  feel the need to inform them, calling them and breaking the news politely can be done as well. Even the most disappointing things can be told in an unhurtful  manner.

I  know some people can become defensive, disappointed or take offence and think, 'why am I not invited?...I know them since so many years...we are such good friends or we are close relatives, how can they invite so and so and not me....'. But is it right etiquette to expect to be invited? Life does have it's little disappointments, but don't let that spoil your peace of mind or your good relations or friendship with the host. 

Let us explore what might be the reasons for not being invited:

* Celebrations, especially weddings can be an expensive affair and it's not possible to invite all the relatives and friends
* The host prefers a small gathering and you don't feature in it as you are friends, but not close enough to be invited 
* You are not important to them as they are to you.
* Due to lack of space in the venue for celebration they had to shortlist the guests 
* They would have liked to invite you, but it was a tight budget party and they had to choose carefully who they wanted to invite and they felt you'd understand
* They didn't consider inviting you at all 
* If it's a limited budget marriage celebration, clearly there are important and unavoidable family and friends the bride, the groom and their parents would invite and there was no way they could have invited you.

As a good friend or caring relative, you can try to understand their limitations or reasons for not inviting. Don't harbor negative feelings towards that person just because you are not invited. Wish well for them. The good feelings you sent out always comes back to you. 


I took these photos of  Bengal Tigers at the Kuwait Zoo


Wrangler's Denim Spa  has introduced a line of  skinny jeans with  "moistuizing and "slimming ingredients". It's reported that proven skincare ingredients rose hip oil, retinol, caffeine and shea butter are integrated directly into the fabric and dried in an oven. These are called "cosmetotextiles". When these skinny jeans are worn, they will make the skin silky smooth and allegedly reduce cellulite. The three different finishes in skinny jeans by Wrangler are infused with one of three ingredients: "Aloe Vera" to soothe sensitive skin, "Olive Extract" to moisturize or "Smooth Legs" with special formula of algae extracts, retinol and caffeine to combat cellulite. 

These moisturizing and anti cellulite ingredients in the jeans are claimed to last for 15 days (four to six washes). Not to worry, spend some more money and reload sprays are also available, which can be sprayed on the jeans to maintain the fabric's potency. The jeans sell for $150 on . Wrangler is said to have road-tested the jeans on 160 women. Apparently after 4 weeks,  69%  of them reported that the "state and appearance" of their thighs had improved. Lizzie Jagger, 28 (Rock star Mick Jagger's daughter), who already has good genes and slim legs modeled the brand for Wrangler's campaign ad. "After a day wearing Denim Spa, my legs feel great. They come out feeling more silky than usual," said Lizzie Jagger in the promotional video.

Dear weight loss aspirants, you can wear slimming outfits, sure it would aid you to look a bit slimmer, it's your choice what clothes you wear, but the absolute truth is you still have to make that lifestyle change, eat less, eat healthy and exercise to lose weight which will also help you get a healthy radiant skin. Personally I enjoy splashing a beautifully fragrant moisturizing body lotion on after a shower. 


The kitchen is the food haven, where cookies, chocolates, cakes, chips, coke are kept within easy reach. The refrigerator and freezer too can contain food that taste great and are high in calories. For an weight loss aspirant, the availability of high calories food within one's easy reach is a curse, only if you allow yourself to eat them. So what do you do? The power to choose and decide is within you. Your past eating  habits and temptation can force your mind to play games with you. Will you command your hand to reach out and place the calorie rich food in your mouth - the main doorway that actually leads you to weight gain? Or are you going to say, no matter how badly my mind tempts me to reach out for what I shouldn't be eating, I will go for the healthy stuff? 


One of the most visually attractive things about the recently held Hala February 2013 Carnival were the young children and teens who came to celebrate, dressed up in head gears, wigs, hats, masks, eye  wear,  clothes and accessories depicting the colors of Kuwait National flag. 


Last evening we attended the art exhibition by Shabnam Hussain at  Boushahri Art Gallery. The beauty of her paintings lie in the visually charming effect of themes and amazing blend of colors.  The paintings enriched with Indian heritage, speak of  love shared, happiness, living in harmony with nature,  past times,  leisure, and the way of life through village scenes. Shabnam has tastefully designed her paintings with varied landscape, river,  beautiful plants, trees, birds, animals, and different every day objects. The male and female figures in her painting portray joy and optimism, where the viewer is intuitively reminded that love is the basis of human existence.  Shabnam's paintings are exuberant in  soulful messages of dreams, aspirations, love, inner beauty, peace and happiness.

The painting exhibition will continue till Thursday February 28.  Whether you are an art enthusiast or not,  do visit Boushahri Art Gallery and you will certainly enjoy Shabnam Hussain's art exhibition. 

Location - Boushahri Art Gallery, Salmiah
Exhibition date - Until Thursday 28 February 2013
Time : 10 am to 1pm; 5pm to 9pm (closed on Friday and Thursday afternoons)
Tel : 25621119

Here are some photos of Shabnam Hussain's  paintings


My daughter baked cookies for Valentine's Day with the help of her friend for the Valentine's Day party she had


Every year, for the past few years, it's a must for us to visit Ahmadi to see the spectacular lights adorning the trees, bushes, lamp posts, fences, gates, and all the important buildings. That's not all - there are special structures constructed that are decorated with colorful lights. It's a part of the National and Liberation Day celebrations, which no one should miss. Last evening, we reached Ahmadi around 8pm, parked our car and walked around to see the lights and took lots of photos. It  felt so magical. Every year, they introduce something new and different. This time all the landmark structures of Kuwait such as Kuwait Tower, Liberation Tower, Red Fort, Seif Palace and many others, were created and lit up magnificently. Other artistically created structures lit up beautifully were oysters with pearl, lamp,  mushrooms and flowers. We had an amazing time watching the city of Ahmadi dazzle in colorful lights. It's a must visit place. To avoid being caught in slow moving traffic, its best to visit Ahmadi before the National and Liberation Day. Look for a parking place, park your car and walk around to enjoy the lights. You can't possibly enjoy the magic of lights by a quick drive.