On Friday 22nd March, United Nations and countries across the world celebrated World Water Day 2013. Water is an important resource, so very vital for our existence, our planet and our ecosystem. Those who have access to clean drinking water, that too in abundance are seldom aware of millions of people out there who have no access to clean drinking water and sanitation. In 2010, United Nations declared access to clean drinking water and sanitation as 'human right'. Earth is made up of 70% water, but only 0.001)% of it is actually available for consumption. This year, the United Nations theme for World Water Day is "International Year for Water Cooperation". 

As per UN, 2.6 billion people lack access to basic sanitation and 884 million people do not have access to safe drinking water! Availability, access, conservation and sustainability of fresh water is an important agenda which  every nation should give importance to. How can we do our bit in conserving water? Water being a valuable resource, we can do a few things at home or societal level.

1. Don't waste water while showering, washing dishes, washing hands or cleaning purposes
2. Set your washing machine and dishwaster to eco wash, where less water is used.
3. Use only sufficient water while tending to your garden
4. Fix faulty taps and ensure there is no water leakage
5. Educate children the importance of conserving water and not wasting it
6. Encourage discussions on present and future global water issues and shortages. 
7.. Bring awareness among friends, in the neighborhood and society at large the importance of water conservation and sustainability. 

United Nations "Water for Life" best practices award for 2013 goes to :

1. Japan, for the category "best water practices" for a project implemented in the city of Kumamoto in Japan where drinking water for 73,000 citizens is supplied by their pure crystal clean groundwater. Various efforts have been made to maintain the ground water to pass it on to future generations. They also have artificial ground water recharge system.

2. Republic of Moldovo, for the category, "best participatory, communication, awareness raising and education practice", for their project " water and sanitation for all" 

A beautiful must see movie (documentary) by Jessica Yu, "Last call of Oasis" on water crisis and shortages was screened yesterday at The Hague in Netherlands  as a part of human rights based movie screenings "Movies that Matter".  

Thursday 21 March 2013


Super skinny models in magazines and even super skinny mannequins in shop windows make normal women look fat. I personally know a few people who are obsessed with being skinny.  They struggle everyday - they literally starve, purge, take laxatives and the weighing scale determines their happiness quotient. They don't care if their body is denied of nourishment and nutrients. 

Somehow it's in built in us to compare ourselves with others, including appearance. When women look at pictures, or advertisements of super skinny models and or look at super skinny mannequins in shop windows who are a size 6 or even less (what's that, like a small child size body?!, I don't know...), it dampens their self esteem. It's important to think differently about your body. You don't have to be super thin to feel beautiful. You just have to be kind and caring towards your body by eating healthy, living a healthy lifestyle, get some exercise and have a healthy attitude towards life without following fad diets or taking extreme measures. It's important to have a body weight in proportion to your height mainly for health reasons and of course healthy weight will make you feel good in every way and keep illness at bay. 


We spent a while at Khiran Resort two weeks ago, to explore the place and it's facilities. It's worth a visit before the weather gets too hot, if you want to enjoy the outdoors. They have studio, chalets and villas with varying prices depending on which day of the week you wish to reserve. The check in days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Khiran Resort check out days are Saturdays which means they don't do any reservation on that day, so avoid going there on a Saturday. They have sea trips, a games center, kids club, cycles, walkways, play areas for children, health club, salon, spa, swimming pool, small beaches, restaurants coffee shop, beautiful walkways (if you enjoy walking), internet cafe, wireless internet, supermarket and clinic and lots more. Well manicured lawns and beautiful  landscaping is a visual delight. 

It's a nice get away place from the noise, stress, demands of life and everything that has kept you busy. The drive to Khiran is very long around 45 minutes to one hour. For a resort, there is a certain simplicity about it,  it's an ideal place to take a short peaceful break, rejuvenate and re-energize yourself. Visit their website for more details.

Contact Khiran resort at : 23951122, 25627230, 25627269
Khiran Resort website

Here are some photos I took. I didn't take many as I was too engrossed exploring the place. 


If you like fragrance candles for home, you will enjoy the new arrivals at the Bath and Body Works. My personal favorites I liked at Bath and Body Works are  

1. Pineapple Mango
2. Fresh Bamboo
3. Green Grass
4. Lilac Blossom

The candles contain high concentration of fragrant oils in exclusive blend of vegetable wax and lead free wicks. 

Pineapple Mango

Fresh Bamboo

Green Grass

Lilac Blossom

Monday 18 March 2013


Embassy of Japan will hold lectures and demonstrations on Kimono for three days. The Japanese traditional dress will be presented by Mrs. Mako Hattori as a part of Japanese traditional culture from Tuesday 19 March to Thursday 21 March.

Mrs. Hattori is a renowned Japanese actress, classical dance performer and master of Japanese traditional dance. She has been working energetically to introduce Japanese culture, especially Kimono. Her Kimono lectures and demonstrations have attracted a lot of audiences in many countries. This promises to be a very interesting and informative cultural event that will introduce the audience to the history and beauty of Kimono. 

Details of the event:

Mrs. Hattori's lectures will cover the history of Kimono, its designs/patterns and materials and how to weave it, the different types of Kimono for each occasion and season. After the lecture, there will be a brief traditional dance performance in Kimono. The lecture will conclude with a demonstration of different ways to wear and enjoy Kimono.

Date: Tuesday, March 19th, 2013
Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30pm
Venue: Sadu House (in cooperation with Kuwait Textile Arts Association)

Date: Wednesday, March 20th, 2013
Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30pm
Venue: Kuwait University Keyfan campus- Hall #125

Date: Thursday, March 21st, 2013
Time: 11:00 am - 12 noon
Venue: Tourism, Beauty and Fashion Institute – The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training - Theater

For more inquiry please contact the Cultural Section on 25309458


When I visited Reehana next to Bayt Lothan in Salmiah, I saw this beautiful single seater. Loved the design, fabric used and it's colors.  


Two new limited edition of exotic smelling body creams, Bali Mango and Rio Rumberry have arrived in the latest collection at Bath and Body Works. I loved the way both felt on the skin. The fragrance from the cream leaves you smelling fabulous. 

Bali Mango comprises of juicy mango, rich sugarcane and luscious nectarine. Rio Rumberry consists of a blend of tropical berries, fresh papaya and warm vanilla blossoms. Both creams contain moisturizing complex of milk protein, hydrating rice bran oil and acai berry extract.


On Friday, while I was at Marina Mall, I passed by the stall set up by the florists "Fresh Couture" at Marina Mall. They had very creative floral arrangements mixed with attractive decorative articles, candy, chocolates and candles. They also had floral hair accessories.