Friday 28 June 2013


“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.” - Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom : Autobiography of Nelson  Mandela

My son sent me a link on yahoo with Nelson Mandela quotes. I enjoyed reading each and everyone of them. Those quotes are from the wisdom of experience that arose from the tests, trials and tribulations of the journey Nelson Mandela's life. What struck me about this quote, is about being optimistic during the dark moments when faith in humanity is tested and not giving up to despair. 

Everyone goes through dark moments in life. They happen and you may or may not know why. Despair and unavoidable pressures of life can be paralyzing and rob you off your strength, hope and dreams. In certain circumstances you might feel as if you have lost your faith in  humanity.  It's important to realize you are of immeasurable worth and your life is valuable. You have every opportunity to become a victor. When you live life with a  victim mentality, you end up constantly blaming people for your situation, lack of progress or your state for mind.  Giving in to despair only causes one to believe there is no hope. Healing from brokenness takes time. But one has to allow oneself to heal and put the negative experiences behind, in order to appreciate life and live life to the fullest.  A victor allows himself to heal as he knows life has so much to offer. Negative situations is not what defines him.  Instead of looking for reasons who to blame, a victor will move forward in life. A victor will spend energy trying to change a negative situation or seek ways to take action aiming towards progress. Although we may not realize, there lies a  reservoir of courage, strength and potential which we can tap into with faith. Not giving in to despair whatever negative phase you go through, is life altering. It opens doorways, attracting people, situations and circumstances in your favor even if it takes time. 

Being optimistic and not giving in to despair  brings you closer to what you seek, what you need to accomplish.


I took these photos at the Atlanta Zoo in Georgia. I have never seen gorillas at such close quarters with no metal fences or caging. I enjoyed observing them. There were a number of gorillas. Like people, each gorilla distinctly looked different from the other and so human like in certain  movements and mannerisms. Now let me give you something to do.

Guess the gorilla's moods and emotions

1. Bored
2. Watching other gorillas
3. Showing off with his pose - he knows he has an audience
4. Relaxing

1. Angry
2. Roaring
3. Trying to scare his audience
4. Yawning

1. Sad
2. Sleepy
3. Thinking
4. Lonely

Now for the answers. Since I was there, having observed him for a while, I think I could judge his moods. So here we go

1st Photo : 2
2nd Photo : 4
3rd Photo : 3


Bath and Body Works is having a big sale at all their stores in all the malls. And Thursday 27 June is the last day for the sale. If you want to buy their products, this is best time, as the prices have been slashed to less than 50%. I love some of their body lotions and creams. My personal favorites I'd recommend are :

Japanese Cherry Blossom
Midnight Pomegranate
Berry Flirt
Peach poppies
Rio Rumberry
Carried Away
Sweet pea

I had bought small size bottles of the ones listed below during my trip in the  U.S. They are  fabulously fragrant. I am not quite sure if they have them here. Do ask for these for they are not only moisturizing but smell great. So, now these have become my favorites too.

* Rome Honeysuckle Amore - vit E, jojoba and shea butter
* Pure Paradise - vit E, jojoba and shea butter
* Paris Amour - vit E,  jojoba and shea butter (the dull pink bottle)
* Malibu heat -  vit E, jojoba and shea butter)

Don't forget to check out their latest in fragrant candles. They've got some really lovely smelling ones which I had blogged about earlier.

Tuesday 25 June 2013


Be happy for others' success. Don't compare your life with others. Everyone has their own journey to travel and you never know the battles people fight in their real life compared to the reel life you see on the outside. And they've probably worked hard and gone through tough times to reach where they are or attain what they have. Even if you do compare, you might wish to imbibe the positives from their life, which may help you make wise choices, help you grow or make you a better person. Learn from the good in people's lives.

When a person becomes jealous, it shows his or her own insecurity. When we count our own blessings and our inner resources and work on building our life with faith and confidence, there is no room for jealousy. 


 It's beautiful to see how children love and bond with animals. Taken at Atlanta Zoo, Georgia.


Have you tried Marc Jacobs classic fragrance, 'Daisy'? If you like this, you are definitely going to like the new version, 'Daisy Eau So Fresh', which is an amazing floral-fruity fragrance compared to the original classic. I wear the original Daisy eau de toilette, which I like a lot. It's more floral.  But Daisy Eau So Fresh is a must have for those who love floral-fruity fragrances. And it's long lasting too. I feel the floral combinations in the fragrance stands out a bit more than the fruity notes, which I totally enjoy. Just perfect for summer, be it day or night. You are bound to be asked, what are you wearing, it smells so nice.....

This would be my top pick I'd recommend for this summer among all the perfumes I've tried in the past few months. Verdict : Exhilarating!

Top Layer: Natural Raspberry, Grapefruit, Pear

Mid Base: Violets, Wild Rose, Apple Blossom
Dry Base: Musks, Cedarwood, Plum


Georgia Aquarium is the world's largest aquarium, housing 120,000 animals,  in 8.5 million gallons of marine and fresh water. If you visit Atlanta, this is a must visit place. The aquarium is divided into various sections - Cold Water Quest, Georgia Explorer, Ocean Voyager, River Scout, Tropical Dive, 4 D Theater, Frogs, a chorus of Colors and Dolphin Tales where you can enjoy watching these beautiful animals. We made sure we visited all of them. 

Dolphin Tales is an enchanting show you shouldn't miss, where actors in beautiful costumes perform with dolphins backed up by special effects and an interesting tale of good against evil. The dolphins and their trainers give an exhilarating performance. Unfortunately photography is strictly not allowed at the 'Dolphin Tales' show. So, I don't have any pictures of the Dolphin Tales. 

They have a beautiful gift shop at the Aquarium. The Cafe Aquaria is a place where you can find a variety of food and dessert. Their food is delicious. Their salad bar is great with so much to choose from. And that's what I had, a lot of salad and a greek chicken wrap. 

Here are some photos of our visit to the Aquarium. I had taken plenty more, but can't seem to find the rest. I might have deleted them while trying to create space in my memory card. 



Ohio river as seen near Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. It's a picturesque and breathtaking view. 


Did you see this movie? What did you think of it? I sat through it because I have always been a  Bruce Willis fan. If you want to give your faculty of intelligence some rest and just watch the movie because you have nothing better to do, or you are a Bruce Willis fan, or you love to see total chaos, massive car destruction, endless road chase, and you don't mind a weak boring  plot,  then go ahead. If I should share a secret, the real truth is I chose to watch it along with my husband who was desperately in a mood for watching an action film......When I asked him if he enjoyed it ( I wanted to tease him as  I already knew what he felt), he replied in the negative and I rather not post what the negative was that had me laughing. 


If you pay a visit to the Krohn Conservatory, you shouldn't leave the place, without visiting their Gift Shop at the exit. They have lovely gift items you would want to take home or gift someone special. Here are some photos I took at the gift shop.