Tuesday 29 March 2011


This is a rather late post by 4 days!. I had such a different yet wonderful day on our Wedding Anniversary. Firstly DH got me fresh flowers when he returned from work. I was so excited. I am so fond of flowers. In the evening of our wedding anniversary, My husband and I decided to visit the Aquarium at the Kuwait Scientific Center in Salmiah instead of  the usual dining at a favourite restaurant. It occured to me that since I am dieting, why don't we do something that we would enjoy that didn't involve celebrating with food. I did cook some nice lunch which my husband enjoyed.

Above are some pictures from the Aquarium. We enjoyed every moment of our visit. Being at the Aquarium connects us with nature, being amidst those beautiful desert animals, amphibians, and the variety of  fishes and coral reef. All throughout in the Aquarium is beautiful sounds of water that is played constantly that gives us a feeling of being under the sea. The beautiful and colourful creations from the acquatic world is a sight anyone would truly enjoy. The huge sharks were amazing. One interesting thing I realized was in the huge glass encasing that was from floor to roof that housed an amazing variety of big and small fishes including the sharks, seem to live in peace, sharing space and moving about in harmony. There is so much man can learn from nature!


  1. So sweeeeeeeeet :* dear Happy ANNIVERSARY , that`s a great idea ;) i may do it next year

  2. Hi New Bride ! Thankyou so much for your wishes. Oh you would definitely enjoy a visit to the Aquarium.
