Thursday 31 March 2011


One of the things I decided to do when I go for my walk in the Park,  is not to ‘think’ about anything important or worry about anything, what I have to do today or tomorrow or couple of months from now. Not to worry how soon will the one hour at the Park will get over (which I used to do earlier).  It’s important to give the mind some rest and what better way, to silence the mind, when we are exercising and just enjoy every moment of exercising. The mind is ever flowing with a zillion thoughts the rest of the day anyway, right?. LOL

I observe people around me, activities going on around me, the birds, the cats, even the nice exercise outfits people wear. It’s so nice to see the children playing, so carefree, lost in their own world of play. It’s encouraging when I see people much older than me in their sixties, walking with such dedication everyday! It boosts my motivation to exercise. Children are seen playing badminton, volleyball or football, roller skating or just running around. Some people who come to walk, wear perfume. I don’t know why really. You can imagine what happens, when a person is walking fast, sweating and the sweat infuses with the perfume, giving a not so nice odor. But we can’t stop someone and tell him or her about it. That’s down right rude. LOL.

When I began to pay attention, I was able to  feel one with nature, the bright sun shining on me as I walk, the different green trees, the date palms, the bright  bouganvillas, the dried up leaves on the ground fallen from the trees, the green bushes, the green grass in some areas, the desert sand in rest of the places,  the continuous chirping of the birds in the trees, the little sparrows gathered in groups of 4 or 5, looking for food on the ground and when you reach close to them, they fly away to the nearest tree. The sleeping cats who are not bothered by the people passing by except if someone troubles them. Other cats roaming around slowy, not in hurry at all, perhaps its their weight… from the left over food, people leave behind in the Park. Or they don’t have to worry like us humans about rushing through time.

I saw this beautiful bird which is the size of a sparrow  with a bright yellow underbelly and it has a sweet voice. I also saw two small kittens in the Park for two days and some kids playing with them with great excitement. Then I didn’t see them yesterday. I wondered what happened to them. The watchman didn’t seem to know either. My husband told me, I should have called the Animal Shelter the day I saw them. I just figured, the kittens’ mother would be somewhere around so there is nothing to worry. I hope they are fine and the mother cat has hidden them away, as mother cats normally do.

Do you go for walks? You can choose the paved walking area at the Water front by the sea or any nearby Park  or even the Avenues Mall as its so huge.  Enjoy your walk, observe everything around you, listen to nature and be surprised! Walk your way to health

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