Saturday 26 March 2011


In a couple of days I would weigh myself. I have been keeping up to the promise I made to myself and strictly adhering to a low calorie diet, more of fruits and vegetables, a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, very less meat and chicken and absolutely no sweets, chocolates, pastries and icecreams. I also stay from packeted and packaged foods.  I am glad I don't miss all the sweets that I just devour!

I learnt how our attitude changes when we make a strong decision and do what it takes make the journey of weight loss a positive experience as we tread slowly towards our goal. The attitude that, 'I can't do without this, or I will diet tomorrow' is replaced with 'This is not good for me, this will sabotage my diet, I want to put in continued effort, that's the only way I can lose weight'. Attitude is everything.

The moment you change your attitude towards food and sedentary lifestyle, you get the desired motivation to get you going. Viewing your body as God's gift to give it the required nourishment in form of healthy food, in moderate amounts and exercise your body as you were never created to be sedentary, changes your life. It makes you a stronger person, unyielding to  temptations. It makes you discover a different part of you, a part you never knew existed. When you have control over one area of your life, you can have control over many other areas of your life.

I for one, don't particularly like to exercise, but I have made it a point to exercise and make it a joyful experience. When we exercise, good hormones are released into our body that gives us a feeling of well being and gives us a new found energy. I am able to fit better into my clothes and feel a lot lighter when I move about! I don't want to be trapped in an 'overweight' body. I am enjoying my journey of weightloss.

Those of you trying to lose weight like me...please don't give up...keep going. You know what to do. Its your body, its your great wish to lose weight. And you will!


  1. Keep it up ! And keep posting it is inspiring for people like me who are also on this journey!

  2. Thankyou so much 2ToddlerMOM. I am glad you find my weight loss posts inspiring. Well, thats my intent, not only to lose weight, but to inspire anyone on a similar journey to achieve their goal. Good luck!
