Friday 4 March 2011


A week has passed since I started my diet on the Golden anniversary of Kuwait's National Day. I was so excited yesterday. You want to know why? Because I lost 2 kg. I had hit 76 kg and I don't know how or why I allowed myself to reach there....and yesterday, I got on to my weighing scale after my hubby left for work and it showed 74!!! Yipeee. I am so relieved and truly happy.

My husband told me the other day.....'You must be weighing over 75 for sure'. When I posed for a photo at Marina Crescent after we watched the Naval and Marine show on 28th February, my husband said, 'You have to lose weight'. I despise people 'reminding' me to lose weight. As truthful as it may sound, truth hurts! I know I look 'fat' and I have to 'lose'. I see myself in the mirror everyday.

I rang him up at work and told him, 'Hey you know what, I lost 2 kg. I am 74'.
Then he replied, 'So you are excited?'
I said, 'Yes, I was so worried the scale might show 76'

A small achievement in one week...well for a start ! I need to plan to go out for my walks everday and on dusty days, probably walk in the Avenues Mall . I had weighed 67 kg in June 2010.

I dream of being 64...I don't know how many months that would take. I don't mind the wait and I have decided to put in the effort. I didn't miss eating all the things I usually love having. Phew! Dear God, please help me be consistent on my diet and help me to restrain myself when it comes to icecreams, pastries, cakes and the rest. Help me be motivated  to exercise without giving myself excuses.

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