Sunday 13 March 2011


Yesterday,  I got on my weighing scale, a bit apprehensive....It was day 16 of my dieting.
Voila!  I was so glad and relieved to see ‘72’ on my scale.

I pledge to faithfully stick to my low calorie diet and stay away from fattening foods and pastries. I haven’t started a consistent exercise regime. I hope to work out a plan for that as well, which is supposed to aid weight loss. But most importantly, IT IS an essential requirement for us to exercise to keep fit and healthy.

My weight loss statistics:

25.02.2011 - 76 kg
04.03.2011 - 74 kg
12.03.2011 – 72 kg

Total loss – 4 kg in 16 days

Those of you who wish to lose weight, your desire itself is a fuel to make it work. Do give it a kickstart and I promise, you will enjoy the 'journey of weight loss' and what you can accomplish. You'd be amazed!

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