Saturday 30 April 2011


Detox Food Plan for 7 or 10 days

Day 1 and 2:
Freshly prepared Juices only (not packeted ones or juices bought from restaurants or cafes)
(Do it in the weekend, so you don’t feel tired at work)

Breakfast : Fruit juice (no sugar, only honey for sweetness)

Lunch : Fruit/Vegetable juice

Dinner : Fruit Juice
In between when hungry : Have fruit juice

Take plenty of rest. Hot bath as described in previous post.   
Vegetable Soup
Steamed Vegetables
 Day 3 to day 7 or Day 3 to Day 10

Early Morning (upon waking) A tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of honey mixed in half cup of warm water. (Lemon is an excellent fruit for detox)

Breakfast : Bowl of chopped fresh fruits with few nuts and raisins.

Lunch choice 1 : Salad of your choice (avoid ready made salad dressing, use natural – prepare your own) Avoid spices. A cup of yoghurt. Brown rice if you wish

Lunch choice 2 : Freshly made vegetable soup, not canned or packeted (using vegetables of your choice or green leafy soup like spinach soup, along with a small salad, a cup of yoghurt. Brown rice if you wish.

Dinner: Boiled or steamed vegetables, vegetable soup  or Mixed chopped fresh fruits  or a healthy fruit/vegetable smoothie (without sugar)

In between when hungry : munch on chopped cucumbers, carrot anything low calorie or have some fresh fruit juice  

Include a lot of fiber and roughage in the detox diet,  to avoid contispation. Drink 8 glasses of water in a day.

Do not use any spices in your detox diet, except for salt and pepper for seasoning and chopped fresh or dried herbs. 

Avoid restaurant salads, fast food, sweets, pastries, cakes, chocolates, meat, chicken, oil, fish, egg, sausages, mortadella, cheese, fried food,  liver, cheese, anything packeted, processed  during detox.

Exercise from day 3 to day 7 (or 10) till the end of detox. Steam-Sauna is recommended (do only if possible). Don't let the inconvience of any sort to do Steam-sauna stop you from persuing a detox diet.

You will lose  half kg to one kg at the end of your 7 or 10 day detox, feel lighter, stomach toned down. In case you feel tired during your detox, its because you were used to eating differently and with simple detox food, your body might crave for the usual food you had. If you feel low in energy, have half a glass of water with one tablespoon of honey mixed in it, twice a day.

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