Sunday 17 April 2011


Difficult people exist all around us in all walks of our life and how draining on our energies to deal with such individuals and we often wonder what's with them...why do they behave this way. They are like dynamites, ready to explode.

Reminds me of a saying by author Dale Carnegie, 'When dealing with difficult people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudice, and motivated by pride and vanity.'

Who are these people who fall under the 'Difficult people' type?'
Rude people
Irate people
Angry people
Hostile people
Bully people
Annoying people
Controlling people
Stress people
Negative people 

Hmmm, so how do you keep your sanity and maintain your peace and emotional well being around such people? Keep a calm demeanor and don't give up your self respect by trying to fight fire with fire and stooping down to their level of outburts or conversation.  Try to be emotionally detached when you deal with them, because they have an uncanny ability to make you feel terrible. Focus on what you need to achieve and let no one's negative attitude make you make act out of character. Stand firm true to yourself!


  1. Great post. I have found after much restrain that the very best way is to ignore these people. If you react you will carry the angst and anger for the whole day. You will wonder why you didn't say this or that, and each time revisit that moment of futile interaction between you both.
    However if you ignore them; within minutes you are smiling at yourself for showing restraint and sighing at the poor person's lack of logic, manners and innumerable insecurities.

  2. Thankyou LWDLIK! I truly agree with what you shared in your comments.
