Friday 22 April 2011


Yesterday at Sultan Center in Salmiah, I noticed, they have a variety of  lovely chocolate easter eggs and all of them, I must say look quite inviting. Check them out if you have plans to drop in to Sultan Center in Salmiah. I am sure, TSC will have easter eggs in all their other branches.
I am (well.... was) an ardent chocolate fan. With my weight loss regime, I can't have chocolate easter eggs (for my own good, LOL). Instead,  I can boil a few chicken eggs and paint them and eat healthy too. Painting eggs would be fun for children and adults alike. 
Chocolate lovers and children can enjoy the wonderful variety of chocolate easter eggs at Sultan Center. Upstairs on the 1st floor, they have easter greeting cards, and special children's toys for easter.

Consume chocolates in moderation and the enjoy the festivity!

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