Monday 4 April 2011


1. The Unconscious Eater: If you find yourself constantly munching or binging or even eating without really paying attention to , what and how much have you been eating, you are an   UNCONSCIOUS EATER. WAKE UP! Be in the here and now.

2. Gulp n' Go: Are you always on the run, doing the ole' GULP n' GO? Sit down and take a moment. Please.

3. Food Architect: You are a FOOD ARCHITECT if you sculpt mountains of mashed potatoes, arrange broccoli in and around them like trees, and layer slices of meat until you've created a high-rise apartment building or even neatly pile up food in your plate. Well, play with Legos instead!

4. Assembly-Line Eater: You are an ASSEMBLY-LINE EATER if you load-up another fork full while still chewing. Put the fork down in between bites.

5. Never Say, "No, Thank You.": Do you have a NEVER SAY, "NO, THANK YOU" policy in place? Afraid you might offend someone? Well its Time for a re-write.

6. If It's FREE, It's for ME: Do you exclaim, "IF IT'S FREE, IT'S FOR ME!" when you see free food tastings and samplings at the supermarket? Eat before food shopping and recommit to your goals before you head out. Resist sampling everything in front of your eyes, just because its free (if you are on a diet)

7. Closet Eater: You are a CLOSET EATER if you keep a mini-fridge in your coat closet and visit it nightly. Come on, out of the closet and join the rest of us. It's safe out here.

8. Beige-Eater: If potatoes, pasta and mac and cheese are your main stay, then you are a BEIGE-eater. Add red peppers, strawberries, green beans, and bright blueberries to your palate . . . NOW

9. Secretive Eater : You are a Secretive Eater if you eat out frequently at restaurants alone or order for food while alone at home or hide and eat  ensuring no one knows of your escapades of your quest for high calorie exotic foods, as you would like everyone to think you are ‘dieting’.

10. Emotional Eater: When you are sad, hurt or in pain, feeling empty and  seek comfort in food which is high in fat and sugar, you are an Emotional Eater. Food might seem to give you a ‘high’ but the high calories in them will keep your weight soaring.

11. Fried: You are FRIED if you think 'fried' is a food group. Now you know better!

Introducing 12th Style of Eating

12. Healthy, Plain n' Simple:  Try  'Healthy' as your eating style with plenty of vegetables, fruits, skim milk, low fat yoghurt. Some lean meat and eggs in moderation !

Eating Healthy isn't complicated. In fact, it's simple. All you need to do is eat more - more fruits and vegetables - more colorful plants. Not only will you lose weight; your health will also dramatically improve.

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