Tuesday 19 April 2011


The temperature outside! It's sooooo  hot from 8 am to 4 pm. The skin on my hands was burning while I walked for 10 minutes in the sun today when the sun's power was at it's zenith - 1.30pm!.  I was on my way back home, from this nice place I visited ( the newly opened 'She Zone' beauty parlour).  I didn't take a cab thinking a 10 minute walk would do me some good (little did I realize what the Mr. Sun  had in store for me!) I am glad I had my cap and sunglasses on. I escaped the dreaded headache I might have got otherwise. 
It's unsafe for you and for your skin, to walk in the extreme heat and high day time temperatures (around 37 deg C) currently. Ofcourse temperatures will soar to 47 deg C  and beyond as summer progresses. The best time to be doing your walking workouts outside, is before 7 am and after 4.30pm.  By protecting your head with a cap, hat or scarf, you can help control your body temperature when you walk and prevent headaches.  During day time, drive to wherever you want to go or take a cab.

Many people love the warm sun and it’s fun to be outdoors, especially in the beaches and parks. We all need some sun exposure, it’s our primary source of Vitamin D, which helps to absorb calcium for healthier bones. One can be out during the coolest part of the day when the sun's rays are least powerful,  to get the Vitamin D (which does not take much time). Unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause headaches, sun burn, skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, skin cancer, skin discolouration or pigmentation, dilation of small blood vessles under skin, destruction of elastic tissue causing lines and wrinkles.

Apply sunscreen about 15 to 30 minutes before you go out in the sun and reapply after 2 hours if you are still in the sun like on the beach or park.  Use waterproof sunscreen before swimming in the sea or outdoor pools with open roof. Don't forget to apply on lips, hands, ears, feet, shoulders, and behind the neck. Wear a sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater. Drink plenty of water (not coke or artificial juices). Wear sunglasses to keep  your eyes protected and for the 'cool' look! 

Enjoy the summer sun! 

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