Sunday 17 April 2011


Estee Lauder has a some nice services from their 'Signature' brand cosmetics. The wonderful sales attendant of Estee Lauder of Debenhams at Avenues Mall, will give various advices according to your skin and and give you personalised specific makeup touch ups, using Signature products ,  if you visit her. It's a special free service from their Signature brand. 

I really liked Estee Lauder Signature lipsticks,  SIG 13, SIG 25 and SIG 56. Check these out if you happen to visit them. They  are absolutely beautiful soft natural shades, just perfect for the summer. I couldn't make up my mind which of those three colours look the best as all three shades are just too good. The colours are much more attractive than what appears in the photos I posted. Anyway, they have lots more colours in Signature lipsticks if you want to explore their colours.

Look out for Estee Lauder's new perfumes from their 'private collection', which I shall be posting on soon.

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