Wednesday 13 April 2011


Want to know how much of body fat you are carrying on yourself? Firstly, if you are carrying excess body fat, it means you have thousands of calories of food that need to be ‘used’ (or burnt).

1 Kg is 2.2 lbs (pounds) and 1 lb is 3500 calories,
So, 1 Kg is 3500 X 2.2= 7700 calories!

This means, inorder to reduce1 kg off of your weight, you have burn 7700 calories.

It's easy to reduce 1 kg in a matter of 1 week to 2 weeks, depending on your diet and type and duration of exercise and consistency in both. You could choose a 1500 calorie diet and in two months time, go on a 1200 to 1000 calorie diet. All of us weight loss aspirants certainly have more than 1 kg to lose...but give no room to disappointment. Stick to low cal, exercise, stay motivated, remain determined...and your journey of weight loss will take you to your destination.

Never exercise in dusty weather. If your house or gym is weatherproofed with no chance of dust getting in, well, you can exercise. If not, continue your low cal diet and when the skies are clear, or weather has improved, head for the gym or outdoors to get plenty of exercise! Avoid exercise when you are sick.

A low cal diet, exercise and tyring to lose weight is not a punishment or suffering , its a healthy lifestyle change - to treat your body right!

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