Friday 8 April 2011


Here is a very simple glass painting I did on the tiny  Kraft cheese glass.

If you have empty jam bottles or cheese glasses, don't throw them away if you have a an artistic flair. Once the contents are over, wash them well, get rid of the label, and make sure glass is sparkling clean and you can paint on them and then do whatever design you want on the glass using  fabric paints (acrylic) or glass paints, which you can get to buy from Moghawi Stationery, Barakat or AG Mart in Salmiah or any art shop in Dasman Complex.. The pearl and metallic colours add an amazing brightness to the glass. You can encourage your children to try it as well. Medium size cheese glasses or jam bottles can be turned into a pen holder. The tiny ones can be turned into an attractive show pieces.

I really like the tiny cheese glasses with cream cheese (like Kraft) for the glass looks so small and cute, just perfect for doing some glass painting on it when the cheese gets over!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work! Last day I was talking with my husband about mural paintings...thats my new love :) Hope to read a blog on this(if u have any knowledge on that)
