Wednesday 20 April 2011


Due to the recent dust storm and ofcourse we can expect more of it, have you noticed the how a lot of fruits and vegetables have a film of dust on them in the co-ps and hypermarket?. Green leaves like spinach, mint, parsley so on, though sprayed with water to keep them looking fresh and green, have a lot of dust on them, which may not be visible at one look. Immerse them in a big bowl of water and run your hands through them to loosen the dust and you’d be AMAZED at the amount of dust that would loosen and the water would turn dark grey! The other day I was washing a bunch of mint leaves I picked up from a Hypermarket, that looked absolutely fresh and green and I was shocked at the amount of dust on them, while washing them. The water was dark grey!  I had to change the water and wash about 8 times to actually get them clean!

If you are leaving the task of washing the green leaves to your maid, do instruct her to wash them in several changes of water, until they are clean.  Wash your fruits and veggies and green leaves thoroughly before cooking or preparing salad or eating them raw.

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