Tuesday 5 April 2011


 "When you find peace within yourself,
 you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others."
- Peace Pilgrim

Last few days, this was a  topic that was going through my mind, ‘Inner Peace’. I was talking to three really nice people I know who have different issues. Upon closer observation, I realized, all of them had one thing in common. They all truly lacked INNER PEACE!  Amidst our busy schedule, a huge list of things to do in a day, multitasking, and various responsibilities, we have a lot of expectations from ourselves and others. Certain expectations may not end up being fulfilled the way we wish.  Sometimes you have to work your way around for alternative solutions or be prepared to compromise in certain situations. Think out the box if need be, but in the end, be certain, everything WILL workout.

When a certain day might be filled with peace and everything working in your favour at work, or all is well in your personal life, and you think, WOW, I am really lucky and suddenly, boom, another day, you might find you have fallen sick or unable to meet a commitment or you face some hindrances in your work or project, you have this mean boss you have to deal with, you might have a fight over something big or trivial with your spouse or have a row with your friend. And you feel frustrated, down in the dumps or miserable. Why do you want to entrust your happiness or well being in someone else’s hands? They may or may not change. They have their own fixed personalities. The only way to get around them is to alter your thinking, improve your communication strategy and be calm around them. It’s natural for differing opinions and views to occur at work or at home. When you think calmly and peacefully, in any conflicting situation, you would always come up with a helpful answer. Don’t let conflicts cloud your thinking. Anger, resentment and sadness can take a toll on your health and it will in no way help to resolve any issues. The difficulties or trying situations we face or only ‘temporary’, a passing phase. There is a saying, ‘This too shall pass’.

When your desires are not fulfilled, and you seem to be in the waiting list of the Universe, well, don’t give up. Keep trying…have faith. But then, if you didn’t get what you hoped for, no matter how hard you tried, remember, the Universe has a bigger and more beautiful Plan B or Plan C for you, The strong positive desires you send out into the world, are captured by the radar of Goodwill and will return to you in the form of Great Blessings in due course. You just have to do your part. When you create inner peace and a higher vision, you are able to come to terms with what happens around you and meet the challenges or solve problems with a clearer mind and attract ABUNDANCE. When you dive within yourself into this reservoir of inner peace, you are able to function from that perspective, and find yourself spreading that peace to everyone around you. You begin, not to let what people say or think or how they behave to deeply affect you. You will not let negative situations pull you down. Your inner peace would be strong enough overpower any negativity.  In fact you would end up surprising yourself and a lot of people with your inner peace and aura.

Be at peace and spread Peace around you!

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