Wednesday 6 April 2011


Yesterday I weighed myself and my weight has come down to 70 kg
25.02.2011 - 76 kg

04.03.2011 - 74 kg

12.03.2011 – 72 kg

21.03.2011 – 71 kg

29.03.2011 – 70.5 kg

05.04.2011 - 70 kg

Loss within 7 days : 0.5 kg

Total loss 6 kg in 39 days

One of the things I would like to share is the fact that I have my physical limitations when it comes to exercise due a permanent condition in my right knee after three times of having a ligament tear in the same knee two years ago. My doctor has advised me to stick to walking and not to do any aerobics so as not to strain my right knee. I do certain stretch exercises that do not give any stress to my knee, but benefits other parts of my body. When the weather is good, I go for my walks to the Waterfront near the beach or the Park. When its slightly dusty, I walk in the Avenues Mall for an hour.

The reason I shared this, is to assure you, that if you are in reasonably good health and can do cardio like swimming or  running or aerobics together with a bit of weight training (under supervision of a trainer at a gym), or brisk walking, atleast 5 times a week and follow a low calorie diet, believe me, you will lose weight much faster than me. Now with my physical limitations, if I can lose half a kilo weight every week, imagine what you could achieve. You could start using the treadmill if you have one, or go out for brisk walks during good weather or enroll in a gym which will ensure you get regular exercise. 

Swimming is not only a wonderful aerobic exercise, but being in water is therapeutical and according to gynaecologists, its an exceptionally good exercise for women. Men, ofcourse its good for you too! There are so many stretch and spot exercises on 'You tube' to tone different parts of your body. Remember, stretch and spot exercises can only tone your body. To encourage weight loss, you have to sweat, you have to do one of the many cardios I mentioned above.  If you are someone like me, with knee or hip pain, walking will help, be will still lose weight.

Those who want to rid themselves of excess weight, motivate yourself to lose weight and experience the joy of weightloss. Summer is here, so don't wait any longer. I will be back with more encouragement and inspiration to help you help yourself!

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