Wednesday 27 April 2011


Though I have been following a low calorie diet diligently for the past two months, I wasn’t consistent with my exercise for the past two weeks. The weather, my schedule and having fallen sick for a week being reasons for the relapse. Let me share a secret with you…When you stop exercising for whatever reason and there is a break, there would arise a reluctance to return to the exercise regime. You know what you should do that time? Kick yourself and convince yourself, to get back on track. You can’t achieve weight loss without exercise! I have been exercising for the past  5 days now and there is some positive result. I have lost half kg after such a long gap.  

Our body is the only tool, medium, matter, through which we can experience the world, its beauty and richness and we have an important responsibility to feed our body right and let it get sufficient exercise and maintain a healthy weight.

My weight loss update:
25.02.2011 - 76 kg

04.03.2011 - 74 kg

12.03.2011 – 72 kg

21.03.2011 – 71 kg

29.03.2011 – 70.5 kg

05.04.2011 - 70 kg

26.04.2011 – 69.5 kg

Total loss 6.5  kg in 2 months


  1. Congrats ! that is a huge success. Keep going and keep posting ! BTW what kind of excersie do you do for weight loss? Like only cardio or you use machines too? and for how long ?

  2. Hi Shazia! Thankyou for your supportive words. I enjoy long walks. I don't use any machines. I walk for one and half hours, 5 times a week- not brisk, normal pace. If one does brisk walking, 45 mts to 1 hour, that would suffice.I do spot and stretch exercises 5 times a week, which will help to tone specific parts of the body. I would recommed cardio like jogging/brisk walking or swimming. Along with exercise, low calorie diet (1000 to 1200 cal) is a must for weight loss.

  3. Losing weight is hard and challenging! And loosing 6.5 kg. in 2 months is fantastic!
    I'm glad you've had such did a great success. I'm looking forward for your improvements soon...
    San Antonio Weight Loss
