Sunday 1 May 2011


Craving scenario: You are trying to lose weight, but there is this craving for chocolate. Wish you could get your hands on your favourite chocolate, and relish the  taste and feel of chocolate in your mouth and feel comforted? Only to feel later on 'Oh I shouldn't have given in to craving since chocolate contains high amount of calories. 

When you crave, stop and think, 'What's, behind that craving?' Pinpoint energetic stressors that trigger craving. Don't fight your cravings. Use your power of choice to give wings to craving and release it and let it fly out of your system! A regular bar of chocolate contains 273 to 400 calories. (You could have a healthy meal instead). To know the calorific value, look at the nutritional information details on the cover of the chocolates, usually in fine print!

Alright, don't be disheartened. If you are bent on having don't have to have a whole bar, you can have a small piece and adjust what you eat the rest of the day to balance your calorie intake. But the whole point is to help yourself let go of old unhealthy style of eating and embrace healthy eating, what your body truly needs, right? 

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