Wednesday 4 May 2011


While walking around in Salem Mubarak Street, I dropped into a basement of a building, second  building after Burger King. It's been ages since I went to this particular part of Salmiah. As I quickly passed through this large basement shop, I noticed these tiny circular traditional looking aluminium containers. I opened one and there were these very light yellow smoky crystal like pieces of frankincense. It had such a pleasant lemony aroma topped with a certain sweetness, quite elevating to the mind. It is in the household section.  Didn't look at the shop name as I happened to drop in there during my walk and didn't want to waste time. Will do that next time and update here with the name of the shop. I've never burn frankincense in my home but whenever I am at an exhibition or certain shops where frankincense is being burnt, I do enjoy the fragrance.

Frankincense is an aromatic resin obtained from certain species of trees like Boswellia. The incense is burnt for its aromatic effects.  There are different grades of incense and the prices would be high or low accordingly. 

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