Monday 9 May 2011


Everyone likes to have a bright beautiful smile, with  even teeth. A person's eyes and when they smile, ofcourse their teeth are something that really makes a person's face look attractive. I always felt Kate Middleton, now Duchess of Cambridge has a wonderful smile.  I came across this article by Liz Jones,  in the Daily Mail.

‘On Thursday afternoon, the day before the Royal Wedding, I was sitting in my dentist’s chair, about to have a filling repaired.  ‘The best thing about Kate is her smile,’ I said. ‘She has really big, even teeth on a wide arc, while William’s teeth veer towards the hamsterish.’ My dentist, Dr Michael Carling, began to look a little smug behind his white mask. ‘She has had work done, by a colleague here on Harley Street,’ he said. ‘All the dentists know each other. We are all privy to the knowledge of who has done what to whom.’

‘He told me Kate’s smile is very different now to the one she had two years ago. I asked him point blank what exactly had been done to her teeth, but he refused to give details. My educated guess is that she has had veneers applied to her own teeth. Veneers are always being advertised by dental clinics as a painless quick fix, the non-invasive solution for a perfect smile'.- Excerpt from the article ‘People pay a fortune for a dazzling smile - but don't bite off more than you can chew’ by Liz Jones – Mail Online, Daily Mail, UK.

For the complete article, visit

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