Monday 30 May 2011


Divorce was not allowed in Malta, a member of the European Union. Married couples in a troubled marriage, were allowed to separate and work out the dividing of assets and the custody of children. Even couples who married in civil ceremonies could not get divorces in Malta after they separate. In short, they couldn't remarry. Maltese law did not recognize divorces that were obtained abroad either. All that changed as, on May 28, 2011, when just over 304,000 Maltese got to vote in the referendum on whether or not Malta should introduce divorce. In a historical victorious voting results on May 29th,  divorce will be legalised in Malta, after 54 percent  voters in Saturday's poll  backed a call to allow couples to divorce after four years of separation.

Philippines and the Vatican City are two places where divorce is banned.

Votes by 54 percent majority wins legalizing of divorce in Malta
The Malta Divorce Movement was launched on the 3rd March 1997 inorder to bring to Malta a well defined law outlining the basic requisites to obtain divorce within a responsible legal framework. Since the launching of the Malta Divorce Movement there has been council meetings every fortnight.

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