Sunday 8 May 2011


Fruit cart and baskets of fruits right in the hallway outside  Lulu Qrain
On Saturday evening, when I went to Lulu Hypermarket, Qrain,  they had this nice fruit arrangement in a huge cart, along with baskets of fruits,  in the hallway right outside the entrance to Lulu  hypermarket. I think it looked really nice (much better than the photo I took). Summer has arrived and your body needs plenty of vitamins and minerals which fruits can provide. What's your favourite fruit? Lulu also has some really good big, bright red strawberries from USA, of which I didn’t take any pictures. They looked really fresh and healthy.

Mangoes...plenty of them

Look at these mangoes. Lulu Qrain has several varieties of Indian mangoes from India  and lots of them. There were mangoes from Thailand as well.  Alphonso mangoes are the best. People were buying boxes of alphonso mangoes. Lulu has quite a stock of mangoes! They are also available at Lulu in Al Rai. 

They were promoting KDD Strawberry cheesecake icecream. It’s K.D. 1.660 for 1 litre size, and for the smaller size it was 860 fils. KDD Strawberry cheesecake  icecream is supposed to be one of the best tasting icecreams in Kuwait. 

Whenever you have any sweet, keep to moderation. Read the nutritional information to know the calorific value and related information of what you consume. Those on a diet, please watch what and how much you eat. ...

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