Monday 9 May 2011


Rita Chertein and husband Albert - file photo
Rita Chretien of British Columbia found on 8th May 2011 by two ATV riders, is in fair condition today after surviving 7 weeks in remote Nevada wilderness on little more than trail mix, snow, and prayer, reports the Canadian Press. Her husband, Albert, is still missing. The two set out on a road trip to Las Vegas in March, but their van got stuck in mud on a national forest road in the mountains.
After three days, Albert set out on foot with a GPS but hasn't been seen since. Rescuers were to resume search for him. Rita, who lost 30 pounds, is at an Idaho hospital and was able to eat a small meal yesterday after three weeks. “You couldn’t have a better Mother’s Day story," says a family friend. "Rita’s children  had thought they weren’t going to see their mother alive again."
Many parts of the world celebrated Mother's Day on 8th May and this is truly a Mother's Day Miracle for Rita and her family.

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