Friday 6 May 2011


Do you like  renting DVD’s and watching good movies over the weekend in the comfort of your home? How about watching THE LOVELY BONES? It is a 2010 drama-thriller, revolving around a young adorable, girl who gets murdered by an unsuspecting person. Her right to live, experience her dreams and ambitions is snatched away. What happens to her soul that is so devastated? Her soul yearns to seek justice…but how? I better not say any further as you should watch the movie to go through the whole story.   'The Lovely Bones' is directed by Peter Jackson, the director of Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the story is based on the best selling book of the same name by Alice Sebold. Saoirse Ronan who dons the role of the murdered girl, gives a sterling performance and she has won awards for this role. 

Also starring Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci

1 comment:

  1. Aunty I saw this movie last year after I read the review and synopsis of the book . The special effect were beautiful, the way the director had depicted the little girl's heaven was beautiful. But I cried watching this movie :( it gave me jitters!
