Tuesday 24 May 2011


At the KTAA Bazaar held on Saturday, I came across beautiful embroidered tea towels designed and created by a very talented lady, Susana. Her work is immaculate and versatile with so many different ideas and themes. You can see some of them in the pictures here below. Susana was explaining to me how it takes 8 hours to complete the design and creation. I was thinking, when we see the finished work, how often we don't realize that  there is so much effort and labour of love that goes into creating embroidered work. Besides using them as tea towels, these well designed work of art can even be framed and hung on the wall; they would look great. If you are interested in these lovely tea towels, here is Susana's contact information.
Susana's email id : sihiaridi@hotmail.com
Tel: 66045983

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