Wednesday 4 May 2011


I weighed myself on Tuesday 3rd May and the scale revealed 69 kg. I also completed my 'Ten day Detox diet' on Tuesday. If you are interested in detox, I  had written a 3 part blog on Detoxification few days back.
When you shift your attention to more important things like enjoying the quality of time you spend outside or inside your home, with your friends, spouse, children rather than food, you attain freedom from the 'Food Trap'.  On a weight loss journey, the results come slow but they sure do.  If you want to lose weight, you just have to try. If you think its going to be difficult...let me assure you, it isn't. It's the thinking that makes it so. So what attitude are you going to adopt if you aspire to lose weight or already on a weight loss journey?
My weight loss update:
25.02.2011 - 76 kg
04.03.2011 - 74 kg
12.03.2011 – 72 kg
21.03.2011 – 71 kg
29.03.2011 – 70.5 kg
05.04.2011 - 70 kg
26.04.2011 – 69.5 kg
03.05.2011 – 69 kg
Total loss 7 kg

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