Monday 13 June 2011


Corpse flower, a colossal plant, that grows to the height of a person,  bloomed at University of Washington, few days ago. Doug Ewing, greenhouse manager at the university's department of biology, and the nauseous bloom's caretaker, described the plant as the panda bear or elephant of the plant world. Hundreds of people  lined up to get a glimpse and a horrifying whiff of the aptly named corpse flower, which sends out a stench of rotting flesh during its mere hours-long bloom. This flower is native to the jungles of Sumatra in Indonesia. At nearly 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall, the Corpse Flower at University of Washington, is small when compared to the 10-foot (3-m) monsters that can grow in the the jungles of Sumatra. So what exactly does a corpse flower smell like? Different to different people, Ewing said, "but it's a powerful, nauseating aroma. "It's put on a really good show," Ewing said.

Corpse Flower is also known at Titan Arum or Devil's Tongue. While the aroma is produced only briefly, the blossom can last two to four days. The smell is the way the plant attracts insects such as carrion beetles and flies to pollinate the plant. The horrible stench is strongest the first evening it blooms but residual smell may be present the morning of the next day.

Visit Facebook page of UW Biology dept to see more details 
Image credit: University of Washington

Technician at UW, with with the Corpse Flower

Graduation in Style - Graduation photo with Corpse Flower

People lined up to get a glimpse of the Corpse Flower

The giant 'petal' that opens is called a spathe, and the center spike is called a spadix

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