Saturday 18 June 2011


My Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon has an enticing aroma and spicy-sweet flavour and is one the oldest known spice for it's medicinal value. I was quite impressed with what this unassuming spice can actually do for us if we include it in our daily diet. I have been having cinnamon tea every morning, for over a week and thought of sharing the health benefits of cinnamon and cinnamon tea in my blog. 

* It's a great source of manganese, fiber, iron and calcium, very essential for our body.

* Half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder per day can lower LDL cholestrol.

* Helps reduce fatigue. 

* According to research at the Wheeling Jesuit University showed that cinnamon's aroma boosts brain activity, resulting in increased cognitive abilities, memory, motor-response speed and alertness, improving focus and attention.  

* Cinnamon  improves blood circulation and have a warming effect, encourages energy flow to the abdomen which makes the digestive organs benefit from this herbal remedy. A small amount of cinnamon tea will help relieve gas and a larger amount will help relieve constipation. 

* In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.

* In a research led by Dr. P. Zoladz and presented at the 2004 annual meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, found that just smelling cinnamon improved memory.

* According to Women Fitness, cinnamon in your daily diet, can help to create a thermogenic burn, which aids in reducing body fat by  boosting  your body's metabolism by as much as twenty times its natural rate. Drink cinnamon tea, or add half a teaspoon cinnamon powder to yoghurt to aid weight loss.

Try having cinnamon tea early morning, before you head to work or when you start your day at work, to feel rejuventated, alert, focused and a total feel good feeling and don't forget all the wonderful benefits that come along. It's easy to make. Add quarter to half a teaspoon cinnamon powder into your tea cup, pour tea and add your milk, half to one teaspoon of sugar or honey, stir well and there you go! If you don't like milk in your tea...that's okay, you can always have black tea mixed with cinnamon powder.  

Having a cinnamon based pastry, cake or apple pie is not a good way to get your cinnamon dose; remember the huge amount of sugar in pastries and cakes will not help you loose weight.

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