Wednesday 29 June 2011


Donna Simpson, 43 year old, mother of two, from New Jersey, USA, weighing over 600 pounds, aims to be the World's Fattest Woman! Her target weight is 1000 pounds to gain a place in Guinness World Records. She has difficulty walking beyond 20 feet and goes to shops  in her mobility scooter. Donna Simpson made headlines when she consumed a 30,000 calorie Christmas Dinner in 2010. Her daily intake is around 12,000 calories ( 7 times what an average woman consumes). She is happy being fat and is an advocate for the Fat Acceptance Movement. Her long term partner, Philippe likes her be fat and encourages her to eat more! 

Donna Simpson has own website where one would have to subscribe for gaining access. She has thousands of fans and some even send her food. She also receives hate mail from those who detest her eating habits. She went on record to state : "In a typical day I’ll eat four burgers and fries, a loaf of bread with peanut butter and jam, four servings of meatloaf and mashed potato, a large pizza, a chocolate cake with ice cream and cream, 12 cupcakes, two cheesecakes and fizzy drinks. Donna  has received a book deal and Reality T.V. show offer. 

Being overweight is dangerous. It can bring about various kinds of illnesses like heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and  metabolic diseases. Excess weight affects various organs of your body, cause strain on your knees, feet, bones, tendons, ligaments and reduce mobility. It's important to eat nutritious wholesome food and exercise and maintain a healthy weight that's suitable for your height. No matter how overweight one is, it's not impossible to lose excess weight. 

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