Thursday 9 June 2011


To mark World Environment Day, the Historical, Vintage and Classic Cars Museum is set to hold an exhibition of "Environmentally Friendly Cars" at its premises in Shuwaikh between June 12 and July 14, with various models of eco-friendly vehicles to be displayed. The museum is holding the exhibition in cooperation with the Renewable Energy Development Organization (REDO), which follows the International Convention of the United Nations.

Speaking at a press conference held at the museum yesterday to announce the upcoming event, curator Ahmad Al-Enezi explained, the "Environmentally Friendly Cars Exhibition’ is the first of its kind in the Arab world, and will raise the name of Kuwait high internationally,” adding, “These cars aren’t available in Kuwait, but they are used in many countries, and we hope that visitors will enjoy seeing them during the exhibition".

*This is must visit exhibition as such an event could raise public interest and awareness towards the  benefits of Eco friendly vehicles that  can contribute immensely towards a pollution free atmosphere in the future.

Venue: Historical Vintage and Classic Cars Museum
Location: Shuweikh, Near City Centre
Date : Sunday June 12 to Tuesday June 13
Timing : 9am to 12noon, 5pm to 8pm
Phone: 24847143, 24819186 (Ext. 102 or 116)


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