Thursday 16 June 2011


Snake House, Rexburg, Idaho

Ben and Amber Sessions left the  Snake House after 3 months of living in horror

The residence near Rexburg, Idaho, is known locally as "The Snake House," . The five-bedroom house on a nearly 2-acre lot in the eastern Idaho countryside seemed like a steal at $178,500. But it wasn't long before Ben and Amber Session realized the dream home they had purchased for their growing family was their worst nightmare: It was infested with hundreds upon hundreds of garter snakes. For the next three months, their growing family lived as if in a horror movie, sharing the house with snakes 2 feet long.

 When they bought the house, the Sessions signed a document that noted the snake infestation. They said they had been assured by their real estate agent that the snakes were just a story invented by the previous owners to leave their mortgage behind. They soon learned that nearly everyone else in town knew the snakes were real. The Sessions left  just three months after moving in.  

To read the full story, visit this Link

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