Sunday 12 June 2011


Did you sleep well last night? When you wake up in the morning, do you find it hard to get yourself out of bed, hate the sound of the alarm? Or you wake up feeling naturally good after a wonderful sleep? A lot of times, different people suffer from various sleep disorders due to different reasons (enlisted below). One of the top reasons is trying to cram as much as we can into a day and then end up with less sleep. So what happens then? Just as our bodies regulate breathing, eating and drinking, sleep is regulated in the same manner. According to National Sleep Foundation, sleep deprivation, insomnia, forcefully keeping awake are all contributors to diseases and take a huge toll on our health, if we don't follow a healthy daily sleep routine . 

What are the factors that cause sleep problems:

 * Shift work (working odd hours such as night shift and being awake during daytime to attend to various chores)
* Stress at work or home or both
* Worrying or thinking about a lot of things while in bed at night, when it time to sleep 
* Illness
* Hypertension
* Pain (backpain, headache, arthritis, post traumatic; post operation pain so on)
* Emotional disorders like depression or bipolar
* Taking beverages containing caffeine just before sleeping
* Heavy meal before bedtime
 * Using computer or internet, watching T.V. or talking on mobile through the night until your eyes shut itself
* Alcohol or drug abuse
* Nightmares, bad dreams
* Fights or arguments before sleep time that keep you wide awake
* Uncomfortable bed
* Room that's too hot or cold or even cluttered
* Disturbance from a snoring partner 

Stress, Illness, Depression, Pain, Hypertension, addictions, emotional disorders or sleeping beside a snoring partner are things you can discuss with your doctor and get treated for any underlying medical condition. The rest of the things are something you have to work on and give more importance to sleeping on time, in a manner you can get 6 to 8 hours of sleep.Those on shift work, should somehow try to get ample sleep when they return home from work. Most people require 8 hours sleep, some 6 hours and few need 10 hours. 

When you get the right amount of sleep, your body cells get an opportunity to rid the waste and repair themselves. A lot of chemical and biological activities take place in our body without our knowledge, as a routine part of healing and repairing within ourselves. For that, we need to be in an unconscious state for 6 to 8 hours, called sleep, which nature has endowed our system with. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to heart ailments, weight gain, attention deficit disorder, tiredness, impaired brain function, impaired immunity, inability to maintain focus and function to the optimum at work or home, anger and irritability. Now that's a lot of awful things you wouldn't want to go through.

Fix a time to go to sleep and wind up from every little or big thing that you do before your bedtime and follow that everyday. Experience the wonders of an overall sense of well being, the whole day after a good night's sleep. Remember, sleep is a life sustaining activity, just as food, water and breathing.

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