Wednesday 15 June 2011


Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and President of Facebook
I was listening to the BBC radio (World Business Report by Mike Johnson) in the car on Monday evening, and the discussion was whether Facebook popularity is going down. Apparently there seems to a drop in Facebook usage by 6 million users in U.S. alone! However, globally, Facebook has around 700 million users. The biggest challenge for Facebook is coming into the share market and getting money out of people using the social networking site. If Facebook is introduced in China, it's estimated  that there would be a 100 million chinese users!

Facebook and Baidu (chinese web services) may work something out to bring a new social networking site to China
Update - Millions shut Facebook account globally:
Besides a huge drop by six million users in the US, 100,000 Britons have been led by privacy threats and fatigue to shut down their Facebook accounts.  For a 2nd month in a row, the growth rate of Facebook has been slowed down. There is a fall of 1.5 millions users of facebook in Canada while in Norway and Russia, there has been a fall of 100,000 users.

Internet psychologist Graham Jones predicted that Facebook users would suffer the same kind of 'fatigue' that comes whenever men and women get bored with trying anything that is new. "People get terribly excited about something new and after a while the novelty wears off," he explained.
To read more on my Update, visit Source

1 comment:

  1. I think Facebook is still going down and i think it will continue until Facebook wakes up and listens to its users. With the rise of google + and Microsofts social it might be to late for them to listen. If you have a rise years on years and no competition they should of used it to be the best and excel.
