Wednesday 8 June 2011


I found this interesting window display at GO SPORT in Avenues Mall that says ‘Shut up and Listen to your Body Talk’.  Well,how often do we quieten the voices in our minds, and listen to our body talk. Body talk? Yes, our body tries to communicate to us through various symptoms and signs. If we get a headache or an ache in some part of our body, we take a pain killer and suppress the pain, but what really caused that pain? Why do some people feel sluggish or tired? The symptoms come from some underlying problem which needs to be dealt with or attended to. Listen to your body carefully, don’t suppress the symptoms, see a doctor if symptoms persist.

Why does our body feel sleepy, tired and stuffed after a heavy meal making us less alert with reduced concentration? That's because our body finds it difficult to digest the heavy food and all the sugars and fats in the diet lead to all those symptoms and it's trying to communicate with us. Your body needs healthy food, plenty of water and regular exercise. If you listen to your body, that is what it would try tell you. Shhhh,
your body is trying to talk to you. What is your body saying to you? Listen closely and to give your body what it needs to be healthy. Only you can make the changes.

Back to the shop Go Sport, Avenues Mall...well, we paid a visit there on Saturday. The store has numerous sports items from sports shoes, sports gear, sports equipment, badminton, squash, tennis rackets, underwater diving gear, swim wear, a whole of sports related items, including sports wear for men, women and children. For your exercise regime, they have a whole range of equipment.

Besides what I decipher from 'Shutup and Listen to your Body Talk', it can also mean, when you are dressed in your sports outfit, you are into sports activities, or an exercise regime, gym and so on, your body will certainly be doing all the talking, giving a message to others...'Take up a sport, be healthy'

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