Thursday 30 June 2011


In Feng Shui, bamboo is very popular and considered a lucky plant that gives out positive energy, brings calm, peace and abundance. Though I am not an expert or a practitioner of Feng Shui, I am quite fond of the small bamboo plants that's grown at home as I generally love plants and flowers and feel very close to nature. Plants add ambiance and create a peaceful atmosphere at home. The small Lucky Bamboo plants we get here in the shops and stores here, are easy to grow, they need a little gravel to hold them and few inches of water and they grow very well. Keep the plant inside your home, in  a place where it can get natural sunlight, it will grow bright green and healthy. Plants always liven up the home and contribute to the decor. Attractive and healthy looking bamboo plants are available at IKEA (Ground Floor), Avenues Mall.
Bamboo plants at IKEA (Ground Floor), Avenues Mall

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