Saturday 25 June 2011


Sometimes, we underestimate a person's potential, worth or ability. We might later come to know that the most unassuming person we didn't think much of, might be a reservoir of talent or have some great quality or turn out to be much more knowledgeable, resourceful or productive than what he appeared to be. By the way, do you underestimate yourself or your abilities? Let me share some interesting facts about real life people I know. 
While I write this, I am reminded of a girl from class, back in my school days, a pleasant girl, with simple looks and a bit on the heavy side, who sat at the back of class (back benchers were the non-studious and tried to steer clear of being noticed by teachers). I’ll call her Sarah to protect her true identity. Sarah was picked upon by some teachers, scolded as she could not answer their questions in class. She just managed to pass her test and exams. After school, a lot of us lost touch. Many years later, I heard through a good friend, Sarah held a top post at World Bank in USA! 

Many years ago, during my teaching days, one of my students, a tiny frail boy was extremely shy who disliked mingling with any students, had no friends and I used to be worried about him as few weeks passed by with no change. I had several meetings with his mother, whom I found to be EXTREMELY shy, conscious with a lack of esteem. As we got a little more friendly, this lady once brings to me awesome hand painted T-shirts, and hand painted dresses using fabric paint and she was having a Bazaar at home. I didn’t realize, she was so talented. Years passed and recently I came to know, the little boy turned into smart young man who went to Medical School. 

About 16 years ago,  a young lady, a high school graduate and mother of three, left her estranged husband and came to Kuwait to work as a Nanny. She was brought to Kuwait by a well known family friend of hers to take care of their special needs child. Sadly, she was paid meager wages and realized she would never be able to provide a better life for her children whom she left in the care of her mother back in India. When I first met her, she was so unassuming and quiet. I thought, what a big mistake she made by coming here as there seemed to be no future for her in the house in the worked. After 2 years of facing much hardships, she joined as a salesgirl in a Bookshop. She later worked for a store dealing in Personal care products, followed by well paying job currently in a Computer firm. She was able to buy a house, educate her three children and they are doing quite well for themselves.   It's nice to know how things have turned out for  this unassuming person, who is truly resourceful and capable.   
How often were you put in situations, where you gave in your best,  went beyond your capabilities to achieve or accomplish something good. Perhaps you discovered how resourceful you truly are or stumbled upon a hidden talent within you? We are all capable in so many different ways, which is gift of nature. Never underestimate another person and Never underestimate yourself!

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