Tuesday 28 June 2011


This little inspirational book 'Stay Calm' is available in Hallmark, Marina Mall
Have you come across people who are very CALM all the time. They resonate a sense of peace and well being. It could you your boss, or a friend, or a relative and you just admire that person for that strength or quality and wonder how it's possible. There are times when unexpected storms come into our life and consume us unawares. Life is not always predictable and some aspects will always remain a mystery. Sometimes there are no rational answers to certain events or situations or happenings. That is when we need to dive deep within us and find that reservoir of peace that exists in each of us, to help us to be CALM, and come out with hope, faith and trust that the Universe will guide us and help us, in unimaginable ways through its miracles and healing, through people, new events, opening of new doors and situations. The mind has the unique power of settling down. By staying calm we overcome fears and regain  lost strength, helping us to overcome difficult situations in life. 

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