Sunday 5 June 2011


Today is World Environment Day (WED). It is observed on June 5th each year, to create an ongoing awareness of the environment, enhance political attention and public action.
In order to celebrate World Environment Day, the Kuwait Change Campaign has organized an event, sponsored by Burgan Bank and the participation of the Kuwait Target Company. Guests of honor from the American Embassy will be present. This year’s theme will be “Forests,” they will be distributing plants, and there will be a special activity which will enable people to engrave their name on a tree that will be planted in Wafra. People can take empty plastic bottles with them, to the venue,  which will be used for recyling. Join Kuwait Change campaign in this celebration to make Kuwait a greener place!

Date: Sunday, June 5th
Time: 12:30pm – 6:00pm (Official opening ceremony is from 1-2pm which is when the ambassador will be giving her speech)
Venue: Marina Mall

Visit Facebook page of Kuwait Change Campaign :

A special message on World Environment Day:
*If you protect your Environment it will protect you.
*Just do one thing today that will help the Environment, it may be the start of something BIG. 
Check for more information  

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