Thursday 21 July 2011


Kirsty Yaqub, a 20 year old single mum and model from Sutton Coldfield, West Mids,  spent £20,000 on cosmetic surgery. She has hair extensions, expensive veneers on her teeth; regular injections, fillers and Botox treatments.  She  injects herself daily with a  tanning drug Melanotan to get a rich mahogany glow. She also visits a salon for 14-minute sunbed sessions five times a week.  Kirsty said: "I like to go really brown, so I inject it daily then I go on sunbeds. "I know there's a danger but I try not to think about that. Being tanned makes me feel healthy and more attractive." Kirsty  admits to being addicted to the kicks surgical enhancements give her. Kirsty said: "People are amazed when they hear I'm only 20 and have already spent thousands of pounds on surgery, but I don't regret any of it. If it makes me look and feel better then it's worth it.  I am on a constant quest to make myself look as perfect as possible."
Kirsty said "Some people have been cruel and said I look fake but if they're trying to upset me it's backfired. In fact, I take it as a compliment. Anyway, if someone tells me not to do something, I'm much more likely to do it.
"I love my look. If it makes me happy it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."
Kirsty as a teenager before the cosmetic surgeries.

Kirsty after the surgery. She barely resembles the teen she once was.

Kirsty after lip filling


  1. What the ?!#*.....all those ppl commenting are indeed right.

  2. Please remove this post immediately, we are acting on behalf of kirsty and you are breaking copyright infringement laws.
