Friday 1 July 2011


Has it occured to you ladies, when you are trying out clothes in a fitting room of a retail store, if there might be a hidden camera and you are being watched and recorded?. Yesterday, I saw a report in Arab Times about a lady intimating a local newspaper about hidden camera she found in a ladies 'trial' room (fitting room) in a retail store. This raises an important question, how can ladies feel safe enough to try out clothes in a fitting room anymore without worrying about being watched and captured on camera. 

CCTVs and cameras are found in almost all the stores and shops in Kuwait to monitor the crowd, for security measures and prevent theft. However, it is never expected that cameras would be installed in Ladies' Changing rooms.  Women generally assume it's totally safe to change and try out clothes or lingerie in the privacy of a changing room of a retail store. Even if you know your size and like what you see on display, you never know how well an outfit fits you or looks on you, unless you try out the outfit. Though the management would have installed hidden cameras in changing rooms to monitor and prevent 'shop lifting' but it is still an outrageous breach of privacy and no woman wants to be captured on camera in the changing room. The management of retail shops could devise ways to prevent shoplifting in ways other than installing cameras in changing rooms, to safeguard and protect the privacy of women. 

I read on a site today, that if you take your mobile phone into the changing room and try to make a call and you your phone does not work, you can expect the presence of a hidden camera! I don't know how true this is...I am yet to  try it out myself.... 

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