Saturday 9 July 2011


Sometimes you might come across people, family or friends who are very critical about how you look, how you dress, your views, your ideas, your ambitions, you plans, your work and intentionally or unintentionally  put you down, making you feel you are not good enough or deserving enough.  As long as in your heart, you are honest with yourself and you are on the right track  and your actions are not going to harm people in anyway, it feels good to follow your conscience and  dreams. Remember, it's hard to be a people pleaser and you don't have to be one. Varying opinions or constructive criticism from people should be used as a platform to gather better ideas or opinions that would help you make a better decision, not make you feel unworthy or incapable. Distinguish between constructive criticism and hurtful criticism you receive and ignore the latter. Do you resort to self criticism? It is healthy to be your own critic, as long as it's more of a self evaluation to improve yourself or make better choices, without battering yourself.  

It's important to value yourself and make that clear to others as well.   You don't have to be a celebrity to be a Super Star. Value yourself  and be a super star in your own eyes. 

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