Thursday 28 July 2011


A short nap of 20 minutes to half an hour will do a person a whole lot of good in a lifestyle that involves high pressure work environment, multitasking and attending  to fresh set of chores and responsibilities when you return home and also for those who sleep less at night. A cat nap is not a sign of laziness as many imagine. A cat nap, also called a Power Nap,  is rejuvenating, improves brain function, job performance, improves altertness, stamina and puts you in a good  mood. Personally, I feel really great and re-energised when I have a cat nap. It's also a misconception that one would put on weight if you indulge in a cat nap. You put on weight due to increased calorie intake and lack of exercise. If you are at home during the afternoon, and feel tired, don't push yourself to keep awake and be busy. Take a break, take a cat nap for 20 minutes to half and hour and see how wonderful you feel. At work, it's quite normal to feel a bit tired in the afternoon. Have a cat nap during your lunch break and see how active, alert and productive you would be.

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